Important- maybe very dangeours for old twinks

Important- maybe very dangerous for old twinks

Hello, after logging my 39 Twink today i stumbled across some weird stuff.

Before Patch i had a roughly 15k XP margin to Ding. The XP neded to ding was ~ 70k afaik

Formulas:XP To Level - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft -> 39 70200 needed

Now my xp bar(s) show 56199/56200 and im quite sure i had something around 56k.

If thats true id have just 1 xp point as margin if i ever turn xp on again.

Checked my 38 char :

its shows 20k/ 53k - wowiki says 38 66200 as limit, so it really looks like Blizz changed the XP limits needed / lvl (again)

If so, this is VERY VERY dangerous for xp locked ppl who (accidently) unlock or get unlocked by some patch accident.
I noticed the same on a level 22 rogue I was leveling. I had about 2/3 exp when I logged off before the patch and logged on 1 exp from leveling. If I were you, I would log off all my twinks in SW keep (or the equivalent in Org) near the experience stop guy the night before Cataclysm release just in case the expansion somehow dun goes and borks the experience stop.
Very good tip! thanks. I wouldn't be happy if my twink goes away:( then EU has too find a new best player.
builtokill said:
you don't level, no matter if you're exp is on or off. as long as you've explored the main cities at least once, you should be fine.

This is the important part. Its not wortht he risk imo. Its not unknown for flight paths to bug out and occasionally drop players in the middle of the path. Imagine being dumped in the middle of searing gorge on your way to SW with only 1xp till ding. It seems to me likely that bugs could increase towards the beginning of cata as well. Advising people to log near Beszten and Stahlz might save a twink or two.
builtokill said:
you don't level, no matter if you're exp is on or off. as long as you've explored the main cities at least once, you should be fine.

i think i can safely state that i belong to the "consider all stuff" grp of ppl. Still and thats my own experience , there are 1000 known and yet unknown ways, official or by bug, a player can get experience, regaredless how strong he cares to avoid.

Like ur grouped and one guy kills a mob while ur still in grp and u just did not notice that hes going to kill some stuff - or talking about gryphon routes: once i got a BG popup while on griff - the moment i accepted and zoned into the BG, i GOT EXPLORE XP for the zone i was just flying over (that was before xp lock was introduced - posted that here btw)

having an xp margin was something like an airbag , an insurance for such stuff - now its kinda gone, last insurance we have is the char delete and restorage ticket IF something unexpected happens. And tbh im not toooo confident that the xp-lock things remain unbugged :p
remember some retard in my group started attacking the dragons in SW keep on the ony chain (or perhaps he healed somone). She managed to tag some of the dragons and we were all like "HOLY SHIT WTF IS HAPPENING WERE GETTING XP IN SW"

In the begining of cata there wil be mobs spawning in the towns (perhaps even before cata), so be sure to take xp off, cus if your in group with some retard, perhaps an enchanter or just a friend, and he tags one of the mobs you are fucked if your 1 xp from ding
elocon said:
Medan it's obvious that drunkn play with xp on soo it's not like he can turn off exp.

How u come to that conclusion elocon ?

na , ofc i have xp off , the times i sniffed into bgs with xp on are gone , and even if i did, i switched it back off asap i went outside - was more or less the only way to finish my last misisng wsg achievment after 3.2 had hit the roads.

but thats not the point anyway. switching xp off is NO 100% GUARANTEE . - itrs justa bit/byte in some database somewhere that could get fucked up by any mishappen patch in future.

or some "friend" logged ur toon and "tried out" the weird lvl 18 npc w/o exactly knwoing what hes doing .. just use ur imagination :)

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