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  1. Sweettea

    FC Warrior

    Is skullbreaker BiS Mainhand wep? I know it's nice with mongoose for now but with he patch coming and warriors losing dodge from agi would battlemaster be a better option?
  2. Sweettea

    FC Warrior

    chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm Went Seal of Sylvanas for the 3 str slight parry increase over the 2 stam of the charged cogwheel. What point is best to take: Last Stand, Concussive Blow, or Warbringer? I chose warbringer for the charge across the field and not having to stance dance...
  3. Sweettea

    Old rogue, New tricks

    oh they changed it so fiery was no longer better than agi? used to be that the ppm rate on fiery beat out the sustained damage of the 15 agi or some math like that
  4. Sweettea

    Old rogue, New tricks

    thanks for all the help
  5. Sweettea

    Old rogue, New tricks

    was from when i was farming my agm and didnt want the empty socket XD
  6. Sweettea

    Old rogue, New tricks

    Kevinsmith @ Akama - Game - World of Warcraft I have this old rogue that I made way back pre 3.1 when the twink scene was way different. I jumped for joy when I had finally farmed up my Shadowfang and was ready to SS spam people to death with a good old 7/0/3 build. With all of the...
  7. Sweettea

    Haste Fury

    What belt is there for horde tho. Seeing as I can get just about every peice except for the belt on horde I'd rather just stay that way.
  8. Sweettea

    Haste Fury

    forgot boot enchant but it's noted
  9. Sweettea

    Haste Fury

    chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm changed it around a bit after doing some research and think it actually may look better now. right at hit cap with a little more crit and sacrificed minimal ap. lost the pvp shoulders but the loss of 10% of damage could mean much higher potential damage.
  10. Sweettea

    Haste Fury

    Ya just wondering if it's worth it to go that high for hit capping my offhand. I know it would give better damage with being fury but is it worth it to lose the other stats here and there?
  11. Sweettea

    Haste Fury

    oh thought oh hit cap was 28%. nvm then ill change that around and see what i can do
  12. Sweettea

    Haste Fury

    just realized i could go with grasp of victory for hit and drop the chest but in order to hit cap i would need another 2 and dont know of a way other than losing the 7 stam on my boots. if i missed a hit peice without losing haste i would appreciate the insight
  13. Sweettea

    Haste Fury

    I was messing around with a more haste associated fury and was wondering opinions. chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm' I Off hand hit capped for white damage. Was going to go for a second shoj but can't really see going without agm. Also considered swapping the skinning for herbalism since it...
  14. Sweettea

    5v5 US

    Aiming for Ques on Friday night going to try for after 19:00 EST. If you teams can't make it or want to shoot for another time Send in-game mail to Somoneybaby-Kel'thuzad-US. We can arrange for more times.
  15. Sweettea


    If i level blacksmithing and get dragonstrike then drop blacksmithing will I lose the capability to equip it since there is no longer a "requires x blacksmith".
  16. Sweettea

    Old to the Bracket, New to Cata

    I posted a BiS list for enhance a few days ago. It's only a few posts down. Possible switch may be unearthed bands. I really enjoy the setup tho, moderate amount of stamina to take some burst as well as still pack a punch.
  17. Sweettea

    Enhance BiS

    Sorry I couldnt get my chardev link btw. Tried =\
  18. Sweettea

    Enhance BiS

    Im building a 39 enhance and trying to compile some of the old things I have dug up and gone off of some of the rogue guides and such but just would like some verification. I do have boa access. Draeni Head-Stained Shadowcraft Cap Neck-Chain of Emeriss Shoulder-Revelosh Spaulders of...
  19. Sweettea

    WTB Stonevault Bonebreaker

    I would like to buy 2xStonevault Bonebreaker on Kel'thuzad US. Post with price.
  20. Sweettea

    70 Hunter? Good or Bad?

    It is enjoyable. If you don't just stack full brutal you will enjoy it quite a bit more. I am Brogurt US Altar of Storms. I love playing MM with my crocolisk. If you have any questions you can hit me up in game