FC Warrior

chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm

Went Seal of Sylvanas for the 3 str slight parry increase over the 2 stam of the charged cogwheel.

What point is best to take: Last Stand, Concussive Blow, or Warbringer?

I chose warbringer for the charge across the field and not having to stance dance but i felt last stand may be a better choice. was looking for other thoughts on that.
Warbringer without even a shadow of a doubt, you cant put a price on mobility when flag carrying.
Is skullbreaker BiS Mainhand wep? I know it's nice with mongoose for now but with he patch coming and warriors losing dodge from agi would battlemaster be a better option?
Sweettea said:
Is skullbreaker BiS Mainhand wep? I know it's nice with mongoose for now but with he patch coming and warriors losing dodge from agi would battlemaster be a better option?

Skullbreaker is BiS without a doubt, even best @ 39. However, I think there's a soft-ban on it in US games. I would still go with Crusader, 20 Strength or Mongoose over Battlemaster.
Too bad my bleeding crescent didnt get as much love as skullbreaker i guess. Is bleeding crescent any good for fury by chance?

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