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  1. team members for gaming clan

    wear do i fill app for this fine esteblishment in the loL comunity ?? ?
  2. Super Long Game

    You are killing me right now.
  3. LoL Livestream

    getting paid to advertise i see
  4. Annie - who to play with,

    middle solo /thread
  5. LoL - LFM Arranged Teams

    I woulde Be honored, kind sir.
  6. LoL - LFM Arranged Teams

    While these comps are nice I would like to suggest a key component to any team: Evelynn. She compliments any team perfectly; she can stealth, she can stun, and she has a speed boost. All thanks go to BigHato for helping me with my build of health regen and armor. If you ever want to include...
  7. Apexix Shards

    Trying to call Lebron bad I see, I will not tolerate this.
  8. Apexix Shards

    I have fixed it just for you.
  9. Apexix Shards

    Thank you for clearing this up DesH, I will take this into consideration.
  10. Apexix Shards

    Thank you for enlightening me to Painaid's trickery. As Guild Master of GiddyUp Painaid I shall perform my duty and properly chastise him for these dreadful deeds.
  11. BOA Hunter Wepons

    The ammo does not require engineering.
  12. Thorbia's Gauntlets or Defender Gauntlets of Power

    His white crits are quite impressive...
  13. geting hit on in wow

    That link doesn't work because i deleted that image, but here you go:
  14. geting hit on in wow

    i got paid 100g to do this:
  15. How not to lose your account

    ill take my battle bot instead
  16. Best class set up for premades now?

    10 hunters
  17. Meet the Twinks

    Name - Ripscream (19) Battlegroup - Ruin Why - i liek him
  18. WTS shadowfang

    Wrong section, there's an Auction House section for this stuff.
  19. Que Times...

    World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> New BATTLE GROUP for twinks. Read posts by Pett.
  20. Rip

    Bone saw some level 19s in Ruin in experience BGs when he was on his 11 druid. Dunno if they leveled, but sure did get some exp.