Apexix Shards

Reflexes said:
I use to not understand, but now I can honestly see why everyone called you bad..

You aren't worth a thread lol

Welcome to the club of ppl worse than me that are jealous of my in-game success.

Get on my lvl and for that matter anyone in my guilds lvl b4 you speak to me again fool.

soooooooo I guess we are done for good seeing that you will never be there.
DesH said:
Welcome to the club of ppl worse than me that are jealous of my in-game success.

Get on my lvl and for that matter anyone in my guilds lvl b4 you speak to me again fool.

soooooooo I guess we are done for good seeing that you will never be there.

Only hunter in your guild I'd consider on mah level is lebron..

says the person who typed out novels defending his argument which was proven false almost immediately?

trust me, it's not false...If I wanted to go into it and explain wut people did prior to experience being turned off..I would But then it's just "OH SO YOU'RE JEALOUS ETC ETC" same shit over and over

also, I don't know how many WPM you type, but my posts didn't take much effort at all :p...

I mean I just thought the few arenas I saw desh get worked in were flukes, obviously since I respected prodigy as a guild at first..I'm starting to see just how bad you are and why people think you're all a bunch off speed pot QQing bads..

Cool story bro..
Reflexes said:
also, I don't know how many WPM you type, but my posts didn't take much effort at all :p...

over 9000, really shouldnt matter

you still came back to defend your 'argument' again, and again...
Omgimarogue said:
over 9000, really shouldnt matter

you still came back to defend your 'argument' again, and again...

As do they, do I detect a hint of bias?...

I think soo

I'll end this w/


Unless you have a means of explaining to me how I managed to get AP shards without ever having explored the place, then please STFU. I realize you're just trying to cover up this thread with meaningless dribble, but we both know you got caught dead in a lie.

Stop trying to blame others for how BAD you are. Face up to it, and maybe you can actually improve your gameplay.

In the meantime: Prodigy #1
Painaid said:

Unless you have a means of explaining to me how I managed to get AP shards without ever having explored the place, then please STFU. I realize you're just trying to cover up this thread with meaningless dribble, but we both know you got caught dead in a lie.

Stop trying to blame others for how BAD you are. Face up to it, and maybe you can actually improve your gameplay.

In the meantime: Prodigy #1

I'm not LYING, I never was LYING..I will tell you on these forums, or in ventrillo I am ONE HUNDRED PERCENT SERIOUS about you using ap shards thought I wasn't the one who was making a big deal out of it

For any of this to be a lie, FIRSTLY..

I'd have to BELIEVE or have KNOWLEDGE that you didn't/haven't used ap shards from the BEGINNING.(So, even if I were to buy your bullshit..you'd be incorrect)

SECONDLY I still believe you used AP SHARDS and thirdly I know HOW you did it.

So since the LIE part of your post was proven incorrect...

We COULD in fact move onto HOW you would move about areas to collect/items or level professions without gaining experience or discovering new areas.. But I think we BOTH know how to do that don't we. It's really not hard

considering I'm better than you at about everything EXCEPT flag carrying, I don't see how you can call me bad, bad
Painaid said:
Answer the question Reflexes. You're dodging almost as bad as your guild is right now. ;)

not dojjin..

I'd be happy to remove crusade and bone from our team, I'd just feel bad..It would be on you tho :) w/e you want
I don't remember Lebron having a toon for us, I fact I remember him being bad.............

Anyway I just looked into this just for LOLs and Crusade did in fact fraps the game in question. If he still has it on his PC I will post it here!!!!!!!
DesH said:
I don't remember Lebron having a toon for us, I fact I remember him being bad.............

Anyway I just looked into this just for LOLs and Crusade did in fact fraps the game in question. If he still has it on his PC I will post it here!!!!!!!

rofl yes!!!! cuz crusade played d that game for some odd reason

Edit: the video might even teach him how to step up his game. what better way to learn than from the best? :D

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