LoL - LFM Arranged Teams

kinali said:
hit me up if you need a decent mundo tank for 3s. I'm always up for arranged games. As always, friend kinali. Btw, i'm not level 30 yet, but i will be relatively soon.

Kinali!!! Hai! :D
Does that count as hitting me up? o_o
While these comps are nice I would like to suggest a key component to any team: Evelynn. She compliments any team perfectly; she can stealth, she can stun, and she has a speed boost. All thanks go to BigHato for helping me with my build of health regen and armor.

If you ever want to include her in you comp, please send me a private message.

All thanks,

Cupid said:
While these comps are nice I would like to suggest a key component to any team: Evelynn. She compliments any team perfectly; she can stealth, she can stun, and she has a speed boost. All thanks go to BigHato for helping me with my build of health regen and armor.

If you ever want to include her in you comp, please send me a private message.

All thanks,


hello would u like to join my gaming clan
dum tinks, the lot of ya

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