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  1. BoA item question

    Ok thank you. I thought you were talking about the 10 character limit on every realm or something.
  2. BoA item question

    Anyone have an answer I can actually understand?
  3. BoA item question

    Is it possible to mail a BoA item to one of my horde characters from my alliance main?
  4. INC, wave of druid/shammys

    This clearly doesn't work since hunters have been OP for years. Obviously the class you play does not affect Blizzard's choices. In my experience, the lesson to learn is: play the cheapest class or you're not gonna have any fun.
  5. INC, wave of druid/shammys

    Nvm what I said before. I'm making a druid. Call me a bandwagon guy if you want, but remember that there are bandwagons for a reason. If you stick with anything other than a hunter/shammy/druid, I LOL @ you.
  6. World PvP

    If you find a pvp server with a good amount of Ally twinks, let me know and I'll do the same.
  7. Gy Farm Europe

    There's nothing wrong with GY Farming. It's part of the game and it's your team's fault if they suck too much to stop it. If you're worried about your kill to death ratio worsening, you can just not rez and wait 'til it's over.
  8. Instant Ghost wolf + earthbind will be so broken at 19

    I'm sticking with my rogue as my main twink, but I might make a shaman or hunter to mess around on from time to time.
  9. Gorrote Spec

    How does a dot prevent someone from using travel form, lol?
  10. Level 19 Druid Guide

    Question: Do druids put out good dps at 19?
  11. 29 Resto Druid Guide

    Are feral druids any good at 29?
  12. What are the best classes in the 29 bracket?

    Can you guys give me a top 5 best classes list? I'm thinking of making a 29 twink and I want to know what options I have for character types. Thanks.
  13. Improved no xp boost/loot guide

    Did this really 10-20 paragraphs to be explained?
  14. Suspended for netlimiter

    Anyone know where I can get a guide on how to work netlimiter?
  15. I appologize to all other classes. (not a farming session)

    *cough* hunter *cough* Seriously though, what's the point of this thread?
  16. 3.1 and Flag Carrying

    1. You act like a stamina nerf doesn't affect paladins at all... Sure, it affects a druid more, but only slightly. IMO, this isn't much of an argument. 2. Shapeshifting might be reactive, but it's also usable over and over again (no cooldown, unlike BoF). 3. LoH may have a lower cooldown, but...
  17. Does your guild have...

    Drawing is pretty sloppy. The blood elf looks like a transvestite.
  18. Your Favorite Place to PVP?

    Barrens WSG 2v2 Skirmish
  19. Rut Row Raggie- Looks like enchanting changes aren't done...

    Leg armors and librams are both considered enchants, so I'm pretty sure this is just confirming that those changes are set in stone.
  20. My New 3.1 Ready Twink!

    Leggings of the Fang > STotM