Suspended for netlimiter

I think I may have gotten a 3 day ban for netlimiter. I was exploring STV and I had a ticket open and then boom I was DCed and it said im suspened. Waiting on the email why.
Believeit said:
I think I may have gotten a 3 day ban for netlimiter. I was exploring STV and I had a ticket open and then boom I was DCed and it said im suspened. Waiting on the email why.

Well that's Karma
I agree with Rip, and why the hell did you have a ticket open while using Netlimiter? You don't want to be noticed, which is hard enough, and you left your front door wide open and even invited them inside xD lols
Netlimiter = fail imo. Exploiting something just for a silly title still makes no sense to me.
Dee Dee Dee.
Personaly, I think getting a title on a twink is rewarding because of it's dificulty. If your using a means of exploiting the game's intented mechanics to make it easier, then what's the challange? I've gotten the Noble title on two twinks and I took a week, before the event, getting the flight paths and caculating exp room so I could collect all items needed and get to acheivment areas in time. That was fun and when people say, "Wow you have the Noble title. Did you use a Lock" I say no, I planed it out and the're amazed.
Justice has been served here, all that's left is Bliz feeling sorry for the ban and granting you all the discovery XP you cheated your way around.

Grats on 20.

Seriously people, stop doing this. Ruins the concept of twinking... it's not about who uses exploits the most or who knows the best cheats, when you're in a BG those things won't save you. Please don't risk getting banned for this, we've a bad enough reputation with Bliz and the end-game player majority already.
Character said:
Personaly, I think getting a title on a twink is rewarding because of it's dificulty. If your using a means of exploiting the game's intented mechanics to make it easier, then what's the challange? I've gotten the Noble title on two twinks and I took a week, before the event, getting the flight paths and caculating exp room so I could collect all items needed and get to acheivment areas in time. That was fun and when people say, "Wow you have the Noble title. Did you use a Lock" I say no, I planed it out and the're amazed.

Some people aren't using NetLimiter to make it easier. They're doing it to make it possible. And not using a lock is just making things harder for yourself. You didn't need a lock anyway, you could have just ran to the GY and relogged. Also, using NetLimiter is harder in some sense because you don't have someone run you through on a 100% mount, and anyone walking the whole thing is just wasting time.
why people get angry about netlimiter i will never know

you still have to explore everything, its just you have to run an annoying program to do it, making it generally harder than having a level 1 ferried about on a multiperson mount

having xp to spare does not make your title more deserved
I'd get the title simply for the possibility to freely move anywhere with my twink across the world(s) without worrying about dinging.
Nobody can justify net limiter, no matter how hard you try. In the end you're still using a 3rd party program to get that title. I'll ask Drayner to remove that blog entry, because it has no place on this site.
IMO, NetLimiter counts as a hack.

As seen from the suspend, Blizzard clearly doesnt allow players to use 3rd party programs to create "fakelag" that exploits game's experience counting system (whatever thats called).

So using NetLimiter to gain that title, is against Blizzard's rules. It is hacking.
Boglund said:
Believeit, I looked at your mage and I have to ask; why the hell do you have SF with fiery on a mage? This is new to me.

you know, for the lolz

i also have a spirit staff, and 2 night watch SS with 22 int and 30 sp.
Ishh said:
Nobody can justify net limiter, no matter how hard you try. In the end you're still using a 3rd party program to get that title. I'll ask Drayner to remove that blog entry, because it has no place on this site.


Seriously, not to mention the other things that the program can do like speedhacking. If you use Netlimiter you're no better than them.
Heró said:
why people get angry about netlimiter i will never know

you still have to explore everything, its just you have to run an annoying program to do it, making it generally harder than having a level 1 ferried about on a multiperson mount

having xp to spare does not make your title more deserved

Lol if you want the silly title that badly on a twink, then re-roll and do it the legit way. I really don't understand how titles have now become the bragging rights for twinks these days, especially since most people have not done it the legit way ie using netlimiter. So, bragging about using a 3rd party program to get an essentially worthless title makes you awesome how?

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