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  1. I got my hat!!!!!

    THIS IS GREAT. Looks like a male undead with Lucky Fishing Hat, lol.
  2. 19 Offensive Priest

    This is getting technical ;) This is to do with the model size, yes? PS: Did you get my PM?
  3. 19 Offensive Priest

    Thankyou, Crusade. I would like to refrain from rolling a Blood Elf. That is the only difference from BiS I would like to make. I agree with you completely, Crusade. BiS is a term slung around far often because play style differs so drastically from player to player, so BiS to one...
  4. 19 Offensive Priest

    Thankyou very much for explaining that!! I was very confused about that- I could not figure out how to raise the "whilst casting" for the life of me. I finally decided it was a percentage of your regen, lol. On top of this- I was told that [The World of Warcraft Armory - rsd @ Bloodhoof -...
  5. 19 Offensive Priest

    I forgot to add- Please add an additional 8 Spell Power to the 87 you see there. This is because the belt is bugged, and will not show stats- I have already covered for the 2 stamina and 4 intellect (see buffs). Yes, premade. 57 Mp5.... Hello!? That's over 11 mana per second...
  6. 19 Offensive Priest

    character planner . 19 o priest . chardev seven Constructive criticism and/or approval?
  7. 19 Healadin Shield

    Intellect enchant? I didn't think there was one... I'm going to get another shield, with a very high block and chuck a felsteel shield spike on it for anti-rogue, what do you think of that?
  8. 19 Healadin Shield

    Arctic Buckler Deadskull Shield Forest Buckler I can't decide... Could any of you please help me? Thanks in advance, ~Audiofreak
  9. 39's in general.

    Hi, First off, my twinking background comes from the 39 bracket, and my first twink being a 39 warrior. This was of course, before the "great nerf". How "alive" is the 39 bracket on Nightfall? Assuming Nightfall is the best battlegroup. When I was playing- Warriors, Rogues...
  10. Non-twink pug experiences...

    Deadmines was fun with my mage. The tank desided I must be some kind of god, and pulled most of ship. The healer, bless his heart, popped everything trying to keep him afloat. 20 seconds later, DPS 340~, and they're (the mobs) all down. That tank still PSTs me...
  11. 19 Pally FC?

    Oh right- Completely forgot that it could be dispelled, cheers. That leaves Druid, Paladin, and Warrior... Druid is obviously king. Paladin second?
  12. 19 Pally FC?

    lol, yes- If you drive into the outback a bit. They aren't exactly chilling outside the mall...
  13. 19 Pally FC?

    Mage FC viable still? By extra mage only jumps, I assume slow fall is what makes this happen, am I right? Also, "Ghost Wolf Increases movement speed by 40%. Effects that reduce movement speed may not bring you below your normal movement speed. " This applies to hamstring...
  14. 19 Pally FC?

    ^^Agreed. I'm going to be making a paladin FC starting today. Out of all the FC capable classes- Druid, Shaman, Paladin, and Warrior- Druid seems to rule the role. With the speed buff, unslowable <100% normal speed, and shield - How well does a shaman FC do?
  15. 19 GC Mage

    Finally got those 11 fire sp trousers. I also have a pair of 9 fire sp gloves, giving me a total of 170 self-buffed fire sp. Gold-Flecked = 7sp, 6int. or Shimmering blahblah = 9sp. Debatedebate.
  16. [19] Rate my mage

    With all due respect- You're not hit capped. That loses points in my books. My CC set, not too toot my own horn, is fully hit capped with 1572hp and 1402mana and no BoA's. I'm also using 2/2 eagle bracers, and 4 stam would probably be better- I'm just waiting for the AH to pop them for me ;D...
  17. Mages. Help please.

    That's mad. I understand it's max stam you were going for, so well done on doing that- but just a quick note for the poster- As a CC mage, you MUST be hit capped. Mana isn't as vital as they all say, just get over 1.5k and you'll be safe. Minor speed is much more useful than the 7 stam too.
  18. Mages. Help please.

    Yoyoyoyoyoyo ;D
  19. Aussie Twinks!

    Hi, I live in Adelaide, South Australia. Ruin is the place to be, and the time difference isn't as bad as it seems. Mannoroth, a reroll server with an excellent 19's twink guild "Fishin Buddies" is 15.5 hours behind Adelaide time. So, if I can get on WoW at about 11am my time, I can catch the...
  20. The Tag Cloud

    Hahaha ily.. Falkor got banned!?