Non-twink pug experiences...

Just some interesting comments from a couple of random PVE PUG's i was in that I thought were amusing

I Was the designated tank for SFK and someone told me that I needed to use a shield for tanking..

In VC-deadmines our tank had about 700hp and I had about 1400hp (healer) and he says "excuse me do you mind if I pull, you're the healer" soon after i failed to listen to him he left and we four manned it.

I was with a twink priest in another VC run with a similiar tank (670hp). The priest could heal the tank to full with a single spell. We were playing the game "see how low you can let the tank get before you heal him to full"

In one of the WC runs a non-twink shammy was exclaiming that he didn't like all of the "CHAOS" and could we please move slower...
Haha that's pretty funny. The people in the PuG's I have been in usually don't talk much considering I usually tank and do 75-90% of the damage.
I PuG'd Strath on my 49 druid the day 3.2 came out. Oh god so many bads.

I also did WC and they though they needed a tank with my 19 rogue around...

So bad.
I was pug'ing on my 19 war and signed up as tank or dps.

Got assigned dps so i whipped out my 2hander and started pulling aggro off the guy who was meant to be tanking. I check his gear and he's trying to tank with a 1hander and no shield and 600hp. Needless to say I called him an idiot and proceded to tank the rest of the instance (WC). We had to 4man because the hunter rage-quit after the druid rolled need on fang gloves :/
Eliot said:
Haha that's pretty funny. The people in the PuG's I have been in usually don't talk much considering I usually tank and do 75-90% of the damage.

Same story here. I have had some idiots though, like an Affy lock that would burn all his mana and then spam life tap till he was within 50hp of dying, then yell at the healer to heal him.

also a huntard who died about 3 times before we votekicked him and continued.

these were both in the same run >.<
Yeah I dont know I have terrible experiences personally. Things like mage pulling aggro, non-twinks telling my my perfect priest in mp5 gear isnt at twink because I only have 1k hp... or having to pull things on my resto druid because groups move so damn slow
I can definitely relate to this hehe..on my 49 twink shammy, when i'm designated to heal I get flamed at for, and I quote:

'doing too much damage'

'doing the tanks job'

'not playing my role'

I'm pretty sure I could solo a lot if not all of ST on this guy as resto..pull a group, AE with totems..heal..but I do love some of the characters I end up carrying :)
Yeah my favorite part is when non twinks think they are not being carried. Then I show them the DPS charts: Warrior twink tank (82% dmg), Priest healing twink (100% healing). Its like yeah... try again.
I loved running WC with a group of non twinks. I was the only clothy and the Robe of the Mocc dropped and the group was urging me to "need" it since it was better than my green inferno robe. I lol'ed... My DPS normally is around 80-85% total in a complete pug.
xD, true I do love that. With my mage in fire gear I still normally have more hp then the tank by around 300 hp so its funny seeing them all click through and inspect their group and then they stop on me and you can totally imagine it going through their head "wtf.." xD
Had a lousy tank in Ulda today. Group decided that he couldn't tank as well as I could damage, and the group decided that I would tank because of the insane damage i pull in my alien PVE spec. In arms. With no shield.

I said hell, why not!? The time after that pretty much became a 3 man group (with one bitchy tank pally scrub and an eager rogue who really couldn't do anything). Things went well, I kicked the fails, and we ended up 3 manning Grimlok/Archeadas. Good times :)
I carry the PuGs on my warrior...

I carry the PuGs on my priest...

I will DPS for the PuGs on my hunter...

And my pet will carry the PuGS
Deadmines was fun with my mage.

The tank desided I must be some kind of god, and pulled most of ship. The healer, bless his heart, popped everything trying to keep him afloat. 20 seconds later, DPS 340~, and they're (the mobs) all down.

That tank still PSTs me...
I don't have an official twink so to speak yet, but I've had a decently okay pugging experience. Last night however was the exception. I'm currently leveling a hunter to skin/lw for my 80 druid on my raiding server. Well I'd just finished the 19s and leveled out. On a like 15 game winning streak of 3-0 WSG wins.

I queue up for LFD figuring I'll pick up a new blue. Now my hunter isn't in amazing gear(greens and LFD blue with BoA shoulders) but I enter to the group on the first boss. The tank is level 17 with most of the dps between 18-20. He seems okay, but next thing I know everyone, but the tank is tanking. Hell, I even give him half the boss health to gain aggro and I still pull threat and end up kiting the boss around the room.

I have to say I've mostly met bad tanks. Most healers are okay and fail dps is fail from time to time. This was all on the Retaliation battlegroup though.
I had the single hardest DM run ever yesterday. 2 melee dps who pulled everything they could lay their hands on, an mage who shouted at everyone for ninjaing heavy shortbow and a lvl 16 tank that used a 2h mace and didnt have a clue what righteous fury or a taunt was. It would have been infinitely easier for me to have soloed the run, good job my AGM was off CD by the time we got to smite since I'd had to use it at the foundry as well. Jesus, try taking smite and several goblins solo and you'll end up swearing a fair amount :D
Why is it that all these pally tanks get pissed when you pull? They are always so self righteous "Oh, ok then, keep pulling, since you can do better than I can.......". I can dumbass, I have twice your health and twice your damage >.<
I pug into a BRD group for the 50th time while farming satchels. A ret pally whose caps lock key seems to be broken says


"maybe you should let me tank the bosses"

With the group buffs I was sitting at about 7.5k health and I just told him to do what he assigned to do. The healer then tells me it's okay to do big pulls at which point the ret pally butts in

"why do you care youre the healer"

The healer must have been typing a response not paying attention, but I didn't notice and was proceeding with my big pull. Not watching my health or blowing any CDs I drop then the pally dies. The healer is now desperately trying to keep everyone else alive and doing pretty good while the pally is going in a rage.




Needless to say we wipe and release. I lold at what he said next.

"can you guys rez me i dont know the way back and get lost all the time"

Long story short and after a LOT or apologizing we just decide to continue as long as he keeps quiet. He shortly realized he was getting carried because of the huge back to back pulls.

Oh and apparently you're a bad tank cause the mobs in ST polymorph the ones with the highest threat.
Was tanking st on my druid few days ago and we did well and apperently rogue noticed my hp and he was from same server as i do and started to ego with my gear and how awesome i am, didnt even know this guy. Was running with 10.3k hp with cds/buffs, but Sadly our priest healer said that i dont need heals and left the group :confused:
My first night doing pugs for satchel loot, I successfully managed to:

1.) Cause two tanks to leave the group, iriate that I pulled the troll bosses (and killed them) before they got there.

2.) Cause a tank to leave because I pulled aggro from just dropping Corruption on a target.

3.) Tank Shade in ST alternating damage between me and my Voidwalker.

Low level tanks need to just get off their high horse and stfu. Seriously, it's not ICC25 heroics. You can tank there all you want, don't throw a hissy if I have more health and want to just get my satchel by pulling bosses because you're lost.

Point of the story... you're replaceable by a warlock... bitches.


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