19 Offensive Priest

What exactly do you mean by offensive? Because from a premade standpoint that's a D-Priest build.
I dont know too much about premading priests but i do know that you need mor hit rating and that BoA chest is not great in any circumstance. And unless you have a shaman ready to drop a tremor instantly i would strongly suggest an insignia. Also i dont like 4stats to chest as a caster enchant.

Like i said, im not premade priest expert but i know that certain pieces shouldnt really be considered.
I forgot to add- Please add an additional 8 Spell Power to the 87 you see there. This is because the belt is bugged, and will not show stats- I have already covered for the 2 stamina and 4 intellect (see buffs).

Yes, premade.

Diiesel said:
Missing mp5 gear and chants.

57 Mp5.... Hello!? That's over 11 mana per second...

Stabbedurazz > Yes, we'll be running 2 offensive priests, I believe.

Ertai > What's an offensive priest build then please? 5/5 Unbreakable Will, 2/2 Healing Focus, 3/3 Improved Renew?

Kore nametooshort > I would have said the same, but I have fiddled with all the gearing options and this is the best set that I can find IMO. If you can find a better set by all means please link as I would love to see it.
Audiofreak said:
57 Mp5.... Hello!? That's over 11 mana per second...

57 Mp5 While NOT CASTING. You have 3 Mp5 while CASTING. How often are you going to be not casting when you are dispelling over and over as an O Priest?

-Honestly, you'll need Chest/Bracer pieces with Mp5 enchants on them.

-As Horde.. Inferno Robe > BoA ALWAYS.

-Also, I hope you have a Spirit stick on you.
Do not confuse mp5 with mana regen, they are two very different things. mp5 will almost always refer to mana per 5 secs while casting. Regen refers to mana regeneration per five seconds while not casting, outside the five second rule.

mp5 is truely mint whilest regen pales in comparison
Moardotz said:
57 Mp5 While NOT CASTING. You have 3 Mp5 while CASTING. How often are you going to be not casting when you are dispelling over and over as an O Priest?

-Honestly, you'll need Chest/Bracer pieces with Mp5 enchants on them.

-As Horde.. Inferno Robe > BoA ALWAYS.

-Also, I hope you have a Spirit stick on you.

He's trying guys, can someone make him a perfect O priest Chardev? I would but my browser on this pc won't let me.

Explain the differences in gear needs between o and d priest to help him?

I would but i don't know what exactly to tell him and don't want to give bad info.

Thanks to anyone that can help.
Kore nametooshort said:
Do not confuse mp5 with mana regen, they are two very different things. mp5 will almost always refer to mana per 5 secs while casting. Regen refers to mana regeneration per five seconds while not casting, outside the five second rule.

mp5 is truely mint whilest regen pales in comparison

Thankyou very much for explaining that!!

I was very confused about that- I could not figure out how to raise the "whilst casting" for the life of me. I finally decided it was a percentage of your regen, lol. On top of this- I was told that [The World of Warcraft Armory - rsd @ Bloodhoof - Profile] Çrüsàdè's gearing was 100%, which furthered my doubt in raising the "whilst casting" regeneration.

Back to basics.

However, would 16 Mp5 really be that beneficial over 50~sp, 100~hp and 250~mana? The regen is still relatively the same. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Could I not, when possible, use the 5 second rule or does the unpredictability of PvP slaughter this theory?

character planner . 19 o priest . chardev seven I like the best. Which [item]enumerated wrap[/item] should be used with this? Of the Vision? If anyone prefers a different setup, please link and tell me why so I can better grasp this.

I was told that an offensive priest's main job was to dispel like hell, and possibly chuck a couple screams and renews in there to help out. Please clarify. I have leveled a priest before, and I did find that it's by far the most mana dependent class in the lower to mid levels- and possibly further. With this in mind, the statistics that I am looking to improve are: Intellect, Mp5, Spell Power, and a little Stamina for the necessary survivability whilst remaining a good Hit chance. Please clarify this also.

How much mana minimum should I be looking for?

How much mana regen/Mp5 minimum should I be looking for?

How much spell power minimum should I be looking for?

How much health minimum should I be looking for?

Thanks in advance.
Don't use my armory as a template, i have like 7 or 8 diff sets of gear and 10 offset pieces the one I usually log out with is a pug balance set used to mess around with, not meant to be used for either O or D in premades. :) The current set showing before server shutdown isn't even a set it's just a few pieces I put together to test something.

What Ertai listed is a good start after some time you may want to develop different adjustment sets for various offensive scenarios. Also will need to match what your play style is. There are many different variables so it's always good to have options and be able to adapt to conditions in the game. One thing I would point out tho, you probably want to go blood elf if this is going to be a dedicated offensive priest.
Audiofreak said:
Thankyou very much for explaining that!!

I was very confused about that- I could not figure out how to raise the "whilst casting" for the life of me. I finally decided it was a percentage of your regen, lol. On top of this- I was told that [The World of Warcraft Armory - rsd @ Bloodhoof - Profile] Çrüsàdè's gearing was 100%, which furthered my doubt in raising the "whilst casting" regeneration.

Back to basics.

However, would 16 Mp5 really be that beneficial over 50~sp, 100~hp and 250~mana? The regen is still relatively the same. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Could I not, when possible, use the 5 second rule or does the unpredictability of PvP slaughter this theory?

character planner . 19 o priest . chardev seven I like the best. Which [item]enumerated wrap[/item] should be used with this? Of the Vision? If anyone prefers a different setup, please link and tell me why so I can better grasp this.

I was told that an offensive priest's main job was to dispel like hell, and possibly chuck a couple screams and renews in there to help out. Please clarify. I have leveled a priest before, and I did find that it's by far the most mana dependent class in the lower to mid levels- and possibly further. With this in mind, the statistics that I am looking to improve are: Intellect, Mp5, Spell Power, and a little Stamina for the necessary survivability whilst remaining a good Hit chance. Please clarify this also.

How much mana minimum should I be looking for?

How much mana regen/Mp5 minimum should I be looking for?

How much spell power minimum should I be looking for?

How much health minimum should I be looking for?

Thanks in advance.

Please support my bud with further advice all you pro priest, hes trying to make the best possible twink that he can. Holo, also go try to talk to Crusade from Giddyup, he is on TI and you can forward these questions to him, hes probably the best gulch priest I have seen.
crusade said:
Don't use my armory as a template, i have like 7 or 8 diff sets of gear and 10 offset pieces the one I usually log out with is a pug balance set used to mess around with, not meant to be used for either O or D in premades. :) The current set showing before server shutdown isn't even a set it's just a few pieces I put together to test something.

What Ertai listed is a good start after some time you may want to develop different adjustment sets for various offensive scenarios. Also will need to match what your play style is. There are many different variables so it's always good to have options and be able to adapt to conditions in the game. One thing I would point out tho, you probably want to go blood elf if this is going to be a dedicated offensive priest.

Thankyou, Crusade.

I would like to refrain from rolling a Blood Elf. That is the only difference from BiS I would like to make.

I agree with you completely, Crusade. BiS is a term slung around far often because play style differs so drastically from player to player, so BiS to one player can be completely different to another. I too see the value in having as many options as possible.

Cheers, Wuvz ;D
Audiofreak said:
I would like to refrain from rolling a Blood Elf. That is the only difference from BiS I would like to make.

Yea, hear you, on my 6th level 19 priest have 3 designed for o and 3 designed for d, one of the latest ones I made is a male undead for style points. just got sick of rolling bloodelfs, however be warned jumps are soooooo much easier on male bloodelfs, probably the worst horde race/sex for jumps is undead females, something to consider.
crusade said:
Yea, hear you, on my 6th level 19 priest have 3 designed for o and 3 designed for d, one of the latest ones I made is a male undead for style points. just got sick of rolling bloodelfs, however be warned jumps are soooooo much easier on male bloodelfs, probably the worst horde race/sex for jumps is undead females, something to consider.

This is getting technical ;)

This is to do with the model size, yes?

PS: Did you get my PM?

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