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  1. Warriors at 70... Whats the deal?

    just got a warrior to 70. As an old twink, having had a DK and a mage, I was wondering whats the best spec for being able to faceroll in BGs and then being able to hop into a raid in more or less the same gear and put up great DPS given you have your rotation down?
  2. [2v2] Arena Video Hpally/DK Commentary

    Regardless of the taziks, was a fun vid to watch.
  3. 70 Twink Guilds

    I only see Apoc or Glaives in Bgs. Agreed that we need more.
  4. whats your comp.

    DK hpaly or Dk disc
  5. Death Knight Arena Tips

    Spam DS till you get runic power, spam runic strike, Pop AMS and Strang as needed and then win.
  6. 70 Twink Guilds

    Ignore me. I actually thought he said US.
  7. 70 Twink Guilds

    Come to Thrall - US and join Static Gaming.
  8. What would be best for Twinkinfo

    Your totally speaking out your ass. In fact it was you who was flaming your balls of in that thread. Vap was discussing just as everyone else was. Its thing like this that are wrong with this bracket.
  9. Battleground Blacklisting

    Just when I thought Blizzard was out of good ideas.
  10. "Fuskigare vs RNG Gaming Gysti"

    1. Why would we want pics of cocky arogant pricks, some of which are banned, bragging about running with am Op comp? 2. Find a real way to make money
  11. what should i do next?

    Im not to sure but i can bet that you could find a way to make up for it. Play around in a chardev and see what you can do.
  12. what should i do next?

    If yout asking which out of the three to do next, gear the hunter if you have a friend who will be a pocket healer, forget locks since they suck and make the feral if you wanna get insane crits when geared. I think you know which I would chose.
  13. Best in Slot Player vs. Player

    What are you changing/updating?
  14. what ever happened to..

    They're not very active anymore though. They usually only have 1 or 2 70's on during peak times. Static gaming is most likely the most active 70 twink guild of Thrall and some of Caliber/Retro's players have joined their mains raiding guilds for bonuses and such.
  15. what ever happened to..

    No. They name changed. They are now Caliber.
  16. Warlock -- Why Not?

    Video doesnt seem to he working for me on my phone. Did you remove it or set it to no mobile devices?
  17. Monks at 70? Discuss here.

    I just saw the monk talent tree today and I'm very sceptical on how "viable" they are gonna be. It seems like the DPS monk is really squishy but they have a nice 10 or 15 second stun lock that could be extremely good in a 3s team for stunning the healer or what be it. Someone also told me that...
  18. "Fuskigare R1 vs Defias 2.3k"

    The DK healed more than the priest. By the looks of it it was a blood tap and a minon sacrifice. I'd say it might have been a carry. At that rating healers should easily outheal a blood DK.
  19. New to 70-79 Hunter twink bracket

    Are you doing it at 70 or 79?
  20. Level 70 blood DK BiS question

    I know what BiS means. Its Best in Slot. And what do you mean by I'm not nearly there. I have 2 more pieces to go until I'm there.Thirdly, I do think there is some flexibility in trinkets due to racial bonuses or what be it.