New to 70-79 Hunter twink bracket

Hi guys,

as the title of this thread reads, im new to this bracket and im looking for some gear tips for my hunter.

Cheers ;)
And get 1-2 pocket healers, plus a rogue to watch your ass :)
Well just to clear things up for you:

70 and 79 bracket are two different things

The 70 bracket includes levels 70-74.
The 79 bracket includes level 75-79.

There is absolutely zero activity in the 75-79 bracket, and if interested in a higher level toon, redirect yourself to the 80s forum thread.

Hunters are one of the least desired classes in the 70 bracket (forgive me meat). They require a good healer to do most everything, because, like most other classes, rogues will tear you up. You want to roll Nelf for racial, you will need to use that and feign death perfectly to stay alive. Resilience won't help you much, you will drop fast either way. Stack straight agility and go to work. Try not to queue without a pocket healer, as you will get lol'd on by most classes in open combat (ie. WSG).
already deleted my hunter sorry meat D: leveled him in the day and deleted him, Back to my 7'th warrior i guess :D
Well just to clear things up for you:

70 and 79 bracket are two different things

The 70 bracket includes levels 70-74.
The 79 bracket includes level 75-79.

There is absolutely zero activity in the 75-79 bracket, and if interested in a higher level toon, redirect yourself to the 80s forum thread.

Hunters are one of the least desired classes in the 70 bracket (forgive me meat). They require a good healer to do most everything, because, like most other classes, rogues will tear you up. You want to roll Nelf for racial, you will need to use that and feign death perfectly to stay alive. Resilience won't help you much, you will drop fast either way. Stack straight agility and go to work. Try not to queue without a pocket healer, as you will get lol'd on by most classes in open combat (ie. WSG).

I think that by now, there is a number of players who have proven hunters to be very deadly in bgs, even without a pocket healer, meatz kileur khrysos nihlo to name but a few..
I think that by now, there is a number of players who have proven hunters to be very deadly in bgs, even without a pocket healer, meatz kileur khrysos nihlo to name but a few..

& Aerandielle

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