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  1. Weiss

    PvP in Mists of Pandaria: Shooting the Gap?

    One idea I had was to move some of the more devastating CCs (low CD stuns, namely) off the GCD, but also decreasing the duration by 1-2sec. What does this mean? Attackers have more flexibility to time CC and are able to the same amount of damage, roughly, during the stun. Defenders have to...
  2. Weiss

    Darkchewie 2.0 Video

  3. Weiss

    Darkchewie 2.0 Video

    I agree with Ore that it isn't "master" status jumping you are doing in many cases, because there are noticeable delays where you get your aim and distance right. A true "master" would be able to aim "perfectly" without any hesitation, but that only comes with experience and repetition. Not...
  4. Weiss

    MoP BoAs

    That may be true, but damage was seriously increased in Cata when int = SP and AP scaling from STR/AGI was increased. You can get similar gear to BoAs (offensive stat wise), other than the weapons. But really, ~50 SP isn't going to make AB hit much softer. Maybe 500 vs 600 damage.
  5. Weiss

    Who is Covv?

    It appears he has caused some disgruntlement in the past.
  6. Weiss

    MoP and 70s Engineer

    fixed 85s will be just like 80s, stupid stat scaling causing some classes to be ridiculously imba. Globals occuring often. And I'm 50% sure that some MoP gear will leak into 83-84, hopefully not.
  7. Weiss

    MoP twinking

    because it is
  8. Weiss

    of the alliance/horde and bloodthirsty without GY farming?

    I think 'Of the Alliance/Horde' should be account-wide, because doing 10K HKs on 10 accounts takes more effort than 100K HKs on 1 account (gearing, etc.), but 'The Bloodthirsty' should be based off the characters lifetime HKs only.
  9. Weiss

    the bracket thread

    Excellent insight, Saxxon Tink. 10/10.
  10. Weiss

    Which is your favourite poll?

    pollception i hate polls
  11. Weiss

    MoP Priest Horde Race of Choice

    Panda or cow, I say.
  12. Weiss

    For all the pokemon fans out there, how pissed are you

    The sad part isn't that he doesn't know The sad part is that he has never read/watched/learned about Lord of the Rings...
  13. Weiss

    Transmogs (help?)

    Change filters up and you can easily find mogging items.
  14. Weiss

    Thinking About Playing Resto Sham In MoP

    At that point, it all gets situational. "Blink" is good if you are FCing with some helpers (getting across mid), but if you are just healing mid or w/e then go tauren. Note that warriors get charge in combat so the usefulness of rocket jump is diminished (pallies have sprint too).
  15. Weiss

    Thinking About Playing Resto Sham In MoP

    Tauren or Panda for shaman IMO, troll haste won't be *as* useful anymore, since Healing Surge (1.5sec cast) and Riptide will be only heals. Panda gouge is very nice as you can get off 2 HS before it falls off (LoS, gouge rogue, heal up), but stomp is a nice peel. Also, people seem to be...
  16. Weiss

    Thinking About Playing Resto Sham In MoP

    augiddin is an ethug, dont mind him on topic, I am rolling a resto sham but it looks like all healers will be very viable with the boosts to mobility + free resil.
  17. Weiss

    Macros: Q/A and Requests

    #showtooltip Icy Veins /use The Skull of Gul'dan /cast Icy Veins This will cast both Skull of Gul'dan and Icy Veins simultaneously, for about 40-45% haste at level 70. You can add Deep Freeze in: #showtooltip Icy Veins /use The Skull of Gul'dan /castsequence reset=144 Icy Veins, Deep Freeze...
  18. Weiss

    Saving a Shadowfang for MOP..Panda Rogue or Monk?

    It's still there, but useless, like I said.
  19. Weiss

    Average wait time: Unavailable

    Did you queue right after realms came back up?
  20. Weiss

    WTB Multiple, warrior BoE's on Bleeding Hollow {us}

    Heh, had a perfect Grunt's of blocking drop for me yesterday, but it's on Stormrage US Keep in mind that randomly-enchanted items are getting normalized/nerfed in MoP so they will all be 4/4 etc (usually the lower number of current), so you might want to hesitate on buying those.