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  1. DubbsBegins

    F2P Movies Thread

    oh wow! Thank you for updating so regularly!! thank you~!~
  2. DubbsBegins


    I havent been on for like 4-5 months? i think and woah things changed alot first, im sorry for not responding to your PMs on TI... I was surprised how many there were.. I just wanted to let you guys know that ill be playing again after christmas. So ill see you in the game ! and merry...
  3. DubbsBegins

    ill be back

    im leaving f2p wow for a bit, i dont know how long but i know ill be back someday. I still will be making videos since i have alot of footages but wont be playing any for a while. ill be back :)
  4. DubbsBegins

    5.0.4 how to play feral and actually stand a chance against healers or any other.

    indeed. i agree with healing differences doesnt make differences. same with pure dmg vs hybrid dmg because shitty healing is still better than best dmg in this patch. this is meant to accomplish better feral experience. So what i am trying to do is not trying to be resto and feral at the...
  5. DubbsBegins

    5.0.4 how to play feral and actually stand a chance against healers or any other.

    3 ( hpal, 2dps) vs 1 pure feral druid. Can you kill the hpal fc?? no, you die 3 (hpal ,2dps) vs 1 hybrid resto feral druid. Can you kill the hpal fc? no, you might be able to kill the other two dps. this is what i mean. i think killing 2 is better than killing nothing. you cant get...
  6. DubbsBegins

    5.0.4 how to play feral and actually stand a chance against healers or any other.

    you play on AP. you probably premade alot. if you pug, you will realize that not many people wants to objective. i solo bgs alot. i learned to play objective alone pretty well. since everyone is farming or getting farmed, theres only about 1 - 3 people around fc most of the time. playing...
  7. DubbsBegins

    5.0.4 how to play feral and actually stand a chance against healers or any other.

    hpals arent the only healers and you wont meet too many of them alone. Dots are more common than not. i use displacer beast as more of a mobility thing than running away thing. if you are saying im stubborn (which i am) then why are you saying anything other than me being stubborn? you...
  8. DubbsBegins

    5.0.4 how to play feral and actually stand a chance against healers or any other.

    why are you saying all these insults? all i said that offended (?) you was saying 3 feral abilities are useless. which isnt related to your being, its just a game. saying feral sucks made me disgusting. I am stubborn, I am sorry if thats what you want. you came here to design a better...
  9. DubbsBegins

    5.0.4 how to play feral and actually stand a chance against healers or any other.

    just want to point out that you cant mangle mangle mangle rake mangle without waiting for your energy to recover after using savage roar. see where im getting at? you wont be able to set that up from the beginning (not accurate) shred rake = 40 energy? rejev = 50 energy savage =25 energy...
  10. DubbsBegins

    5.0.4 how to play feral and actually stand a chance against healers or any other.

    isnt it obvious that i actually know how much dmg feral does? bale's rotation?.... sounds like bale invented that rotation? -.- that rotation is not the only way to get the best feral dmg out of it. basically, i already know how much dmg feral does. same survival? so rejev and 30 second CD...
  11. DubbsBegins

    5.0.4 how to play feral and actually stand a chance against healers or any other.

    indeed. crits are awesome. but for balance vs resto feral, resto feral wins just because of mana. balance WILL oom (although it might take some time) feral resto doesnt really oom unless you spam regrowth for 50 times idk.
  12. DubbsBegins

    5.0.4 how to play feral and actually stand a chance against healers or any other.

    even with war stomp. healers out heal...., how bad were they? wow... war stomp is only a short stun. they can heal whenever they want before it and after it and theres alot of time since you have to set up for your killing blow that wont even kill
  13. DubbsBegins

    5.0.4 how to play feral and actually stand a chance against healers or any other.

    i dont need to try your rotation for testing how bad pure feral spec is at this lvl because i already tested myself
  14. DubbsBegins

    5.0.4 how to play feral and actually stand a chance against healers or any other.

    no. i am not kidding. healers can out heal all that feral uselessness.
  15. DubbsBegins

    Sub/Sub Rogues counter Hpal/Druid. Roll your rogue naoooo.

    90% (more like 99% druids are bad) who doesnt know that? but since this thread is sounding like rogues can beat good druids, i jumped in and argued. I dont know how to play the "new" rogue?...... all you have to spam is hemo.. what so hard? everyone would agree that rogue's skill cap got...
  16. DubbsBegins

    Sub/Sub Rogues counter Hpal/Druid. Roll your rogue naoooo.

    well why would a druid be indoors in wsg or ab? even if they were indoors, they should run out. if they dont run out, they arent playing it right. And double ambush isnt very stable. As a druid, i can basically turn in circle with my mouse while spamming rejev until you come out of the...
  17. DubbsBegins

    5.0.4 how to play feral and actually stand a chance against healers or any other.

    i havent tried guardian. and boomkin or resto is probably the best choice but i dont really dig the lunar system thing. Id rather just go feral like this
  18. DubbsBegins

    Sub/Sub Rogues counter Hpal/Druid. Roll your rogue naoooo.

    noo... how do you kill druid? all they have to do is spam rejev and out heal the double ambush and hemo evis. Rogue IS a nerf because you lose gouge sprint and SS. we might do more dmg but so what? useless since healers are op
  19. DubbsBegins

    5.0.4 how to play feral and actually stand a chance against healers or any other.

    its works better than just pure feral spec
  20. DubbsBegins

    5.0.4 how to play feral and actually stand a chance against healers or any other.

    5.0.4 healers are op. No matter how much dmg you do, you cant kill them. basically feral sucks but i still love feral. so how do you play feral and actually stand a chance? what i did was i speced as Resto but i use feral gear. resto healing is good even without any intellect. You still dont...