healers are op. No matter how much dmg you do, you cant kill them.
basically feral sucks but i still love feral.
so how do you play feral and actually stand a chance?
what i did was i speced as Resto but i use feral gear. resto healing is good even without any intellect. You still dont die 1v1. and since everyone has 600 mana, you dont oom without intellect either but you still do alot of feral dmg. If you take displacer beast, you can vanish every 30 seconds and open with your cat form. you can do almost same amount of healing ( significant difference but not really all that different because we only have 1.5 - 1.8k hp)
i know the feral spec has 3 more fun abilities but sadly they are useless in this patch or any other future patch i think. (unless blizz actually cares)
but the original 3 feral skills are still there with resto spec (mangle, rake and FB) so i dont think that matters meaning this is still "feral" if you know what im saying.
open with
displacer beast
you should be at full hp and did about 800- 1600 dmg (depending on your gear and their gear)
you can beat every class that arent healers (probably) because you are a healer.
dont get me wrong, you still cant beat any healers but they cant kill you either
EDIT : boomkin probably does more dmg but less healing than this resto feral spec. Unless you want to go full healing resto, this resto feral isnt too bad as a druid dps class.
healers are op. No matter how much dmg you do, you cant kill them.
basically feral sucks but i still love feral.
so how do you play feral and actually stand a chance?
what i did was i speced as Resto but i use feral gear. resto healing is good even without any intellect. You still dont die 1v1. and since everyone has 600 mana, you dont oom without intellect either but you still do alot of feral dmg. If you take displacer beast, you can vanish every 30 seconds and open with your cat form. you can do almost same amount of healing ( significant difference but not really all that different because we only have 1.5 - 1.8k hp)
i know the feral spec has 3 more fun abilities but sadly they are useless in this patch or any other future patch i think. (unless blizz actually cares)
but the original 3 feral skills are still there with resto spec (mangle, rake and FB) so i dont think that matters meaning this is still "feral" if you know what im saying.
open with
displacer beast
you should be at full hp and did about 800- 1600 dmg (depending on your gear and their gear)
you can beat every class that arent healers (probably) because you are a healer.
dont get me wrong, you still cant beat any healers but they cant kill you either
EDIT : boomkin probably does more dmg but less healing than this resto feral spec. Unless you want to go full healing resto, this resto feral isnt too bad as a druid dps class.
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