5.0.4 how to play feral and actually stand a chance against healers or any other.


healers are op. No matter how much dmg you do, you cant kill them.
basically feral sucks but i still love feral.
so how do you play feral and actually stand a chance?

what i did was i speced as Resto but i use feral gear. resto healing is good even without any intellect. You still dont die 1v1. and since everyone has 600 mana, you dont oom without intellect either but you still do alot of feral dmg. If you take displacer beast, you can vanish every 30 seconds and open with your cat form. you can do almost same amount of healing ( significant difference but not really all that different because we only have 1.5 - 1.8k hp)

i know the feral spec has 3 more fun abilities but sadly they are useless in this patch or any other future patch i think. (unless blizz actually cares)
but the original 3 feral skills are still there with resto spec (mangle, rake and FB) so i dont think that matters meaning this is still "feral" if you know what im saying.

open with
displacer beast

you should be at full hp and did about 800- 1600 dmg (depending on your gear and their gear)

you can beat every class that arent healers (probably) because you are a healer.
dont get me wrong, you still cant beat any healers but they cant kill you either

EDIT : boomkin probably does more dmg but less healing than this resto feral spec. Unless you want to go full healing resto, this resto feral isnt too bad as a druid dps class.
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Re: Dubbs : how to play feral and actually stand a chance against healers or any othe

And last but not least, run away after taking 15% damage.
I thought about trying something like this at one point, so its cool to see that you've tried it and seem to be on to something. Hmmmm. Though the extra abilities arn't useless....when used right they increase damage quite a bit.
Clever build man. Hope it works out. Balance is pretty powerful as well. Have you tried guardian? I have not.
its works better than just pure feral spec
Clever build man. Hope it works out. Balance is pretty powerful as well. Have you tried guardian? I have not.
i havent tried guardian. and boomkin or resto is probably the best choice but i dont really dig the lunar system thing. Id rather just go feral like this
Umm...tiger's fury, savage roar, and shred are useless? Your kidding, right? When you line up your cds a FERAL druid will do massive damage. And wild charge is a lot nicer is WSG then anything else.I took the liberty of making my own rotation.

savage roar
tiger's fury
Umm...tiger's fury, savage roar, and shred are useless? Your kidding, right? When you line up your cds a FERAL druid will do massive damage. And wild charge is a lot nicer is WSG then anything else.I took the liberty of making my own rotation.

savage roar
tiger's fury
no. i am not kidding. healers can out heal all that feral uselessness.
no. i am not kidding. healers can out heal all that feral uselessness.

Oh i forget I'm the only one with warstomp :/ my bad. But when i use warstomp i take most healers out pretty easily. But most healers cant outheal 45% increased damage with 15 haste with a rake ticking and a 5 pt ferocious bite
This build works pretty well, considering all the crazy going on in the bracket.

Mangle and Rake hit like wet noodles, just like in feral spec, but I've had Ferocious Bite crit for ~900 which really isn't bad. Swiftmend crit heals for ~1k-1200, so it's trivial to outlast pure dps classes. I specced Displacer Beast to get the fuck away from Faith and the rest of the holy pals.

I was topping the healing meters while in my feral gear, topping 100k in one wsg match. It'll work until I can get caster 'looms for balance.
Give my rotation a try. See how you like it
i dont need to try your rotation for testing how bad pure feral spec is at this lvl because i already tested myself
Oh i forget I'm the only one with warstomp :/ my bad. But when i use warstomp i take most healers out pretty easily. But most healers cant outheal 45% increased damage with 15 haste with a rake ticking and a 5 pt ferocious bite
even with war stomp. healers out heal...., how bad were they? wow...
war stomp is only a short stun. they can heal whenever they want before it and after it and theres alot of time since you have to set up for your killing blow that wont even kill
This build works pretty well, considering all the crazy going on in the bracket.

Mangle and Rake hit like wet noodles, just like in feral spec, but I've had Ferocious Bite crit for ~900 which really isn't bad. Swiftmend crit heals for ~1k-1200, so it's trivial to outlast pure dps classes. I specced Displacer Beast to get the fuck away from Faith and the rest of the holy pals.

I was topping the healing meters while in my feral gear, topping 100k in one wsg match. It'll work until I can get caster 'looms for balance.
indeed. crits are awesome.
but for
balance vs resto feral, resto feral wins just because of mana. balance WILL oom (although it might take some time) feral resto doesnt really oom unless you spam regrowth for 50 times idk.
no. i am not kidding. healers can out heal all that feral uselessness.

blizzard made the game so that u cant 1v1 anything any more it takes team work. and you are wrong sir feral is clearly best spec even on sword and board holy pallys with roar and tigers fury u can bite for 900s+ it isnt about ur dmg alone any more, its about a combined push agaisnt efcs now, and id say that would be viable for pulling ur weight on a team. the numbers just dont lie. add in kicks and control on the healers u can take out an fc, my team has np with it atm 4 ppl in a pug can take out efc 24 prot pally with 2 holy pallys with him on D and we have a feral on offense, if 4 ppl can beat threw 3k hp theres no reason why feral isnt good. maybe not 1v1 but 1v1 is just LOLOLOL stupid
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Dubbs your idea is nice and it works for you, but I'm gonna have to go with Bale on this one. You said yourself "You won't kill a healer but they won't kill you." That's true of Bale's rotation if you just spec displacer beast. About to die? Use it. Bale's rotation has more burst than yours with basically the same survival.
know the feral spec has 3 more fun abilities but sadly they are useless in this patch or any other future patch i think

I'm not sure if there's a nice way of saying this, but that comment was just stupid. 45% increased damage + Shred.... Useless?

Dubbs open your mind and try it Bale's way instead of being so adamant about creating a super cool unique etc hybrid resto w/e spec.

It doesn't help your cause that you're too ignorant to actually try his rotation, especially considering how experienced he is with feral druids.
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I tried your idea dubs, and it worked pretty well. Played 3 games of wsg, and even being resto spec I was still in the top end for damage done at the end of each game. Died once in those 3 game and only because I had 4 people on me while I was fc (so no smeld->prowl).

I went with wild charge instead of beast displacer though for the 4 sec immobilize.
Dubbs your idea is nice and it works for you, but I'm gonna have to go with Bale on this one. You said yourself "You won't kill a healer but they won't kill you." That's true of Bale's rotation if you just spec displacer beast. About to die? Use it. Bale's rotation has more burst than yours with basically the same survival.

I'm not sure if there's a nice way of saying this, but that comment was just stupid. 45% increased damage + Shred.... Useless?

Dubbs open your mind and try it Bale's way instead of being so adamant about creating a super cool unique etc hybrid resto w/e spec.

It doesn't help your cause that you're too ignorant to actually try his rotation, especially considering how experienced he is with feral druids.
isnt it obvious that i actually know how much dmg feral does? bale's rotation?.... sounds like bale invented that rotation? -.- that rotation is not the only way to get the best feral dmg out of it. basically, i already know how much dmg feral does. same survival? so rejev and 30 second CD that will break if you have one dot is same as regrowth (60% increased crit chance) swiftmend rejev and displacer beast? i hope you were joking.

you are the one who is thinking that this spec wont work. this game isnt about 1v1? never said it was about 1v1 but what i meant was if you can survive vs a healer, you can do ALOT more in team battles since you are able to survive hpal oneshots. you know why feral abilities are useless? not because of how much more dmg you do (it does a little more), its because no matter how much dmg you do, healers can out heal right away. and how are you going to get all the feral buffs and get 5 points just to FB and hope it ill crit? you will be killed by hpals by then.

i may have sounded a little mean but thats because im not too happy with what blizz has done to my favorite class. So if i sounded like that, i apologize.
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Umm...tiger's fury, savage roar, and shred are useless? Your kidding, right? When you line up your cds a FERAL druid will do massive damage. And wild charge is a lot nicer is WSG then anything else.I took the liberty of making my own rotation.

savage roar
tiger's fury

just want to point out that you cant mangle mangle mangle rake mangle without waiting for your energy to recover after using savage roar.

see where im getting at? you wont be able to set that up

from the beginning (not accurate)
= 40 energy?
= 50 energy
=25 energy
wait a little
wait a little
wait a little
wait a little
wait a little

no way thats happening
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