My apologies. Ignorance is the fuel to my flame.
I would suggest carrying a fire extinguisher on you at all time then, in times such as these.
My apologies. Ignorance is the fuel to my flame.
indeed. i agree with healing differences doesnt make differences. same with pure dmg vs hybrid dmg because shitty healing is still better than best dmg in this patch.I've tried this "spec", and from a healing perspective, there really isn't a measurable difference between wearing dungeon blue caster gear and BiS feral gear, in terms of outcomes. Tomorrow I'll pick up headmasters, and that will make the biggest difference possible on F2P, but swiftmend is just so good that it still doesn't matter. The biggest difference is that moonfire/wrath hit harder.
So all I'm saying is, this works up until your opponent realizes your a healer and either gets a group to focus you or rolls an hpal. For the hard liners talking about contributing, it doesn't matter what gear the healer is wearing if the healer is only healing him/her self. It's just a way for 4.x ferals to transition to something else in 5.x without being obstinate or delusional.
I'm glad some of you are sticking it out in the spec, but I think pretty much all melee is a crapchute right now and I'm moving on. It's not like I can't respec back and equip the gear once (or if) bliz addresses the balance.
just want to point out that you cant mangle mangle mangle rake mangle without waiting for your energy to recover after using savage roar.
see where im getting at? you wont be able to set that up
from the beginning (not accurate)
= 40 energy?
= 50 energy
=25 energy
wait a little
wait a little
wait a little
wait a little
wait a little
no way thats happening
basically feral sucks