5.0.4 how to play feral and actually stand a chance against healers or any other.

My apologies. Ignorance is the fuel to my flame.

I would suggest carrying a fire extinguisher on you at all time then, in times such as these.
I've tried this "spec", and from a healing perspective, there really isn't a measurable difference between wearing dungeon blue caster gear and BiS feral gear, in terms of outcomes. Tomorrow I'll pick up headmasters, and that will make the biggest difference possible on F2P, but swiftmend is just so good that it still doesn't matter. The biggest difference is that moonfire/wrath hit harder.

So all I'm saying is, this works up until your opponent realizes your a healer and either gets a group to focus you or rolls an hpal. For the hard liners talking about contributing, it doesn't matter what gear the healer is wearing if the healer is only healing him/her self. It's just a way for 4.x ferals to transition to something else in 5.x without being obstinate or delusional.

I'm glad some of you are sticking it out in the spec, but I think pretty much all melee is a crapchute right now and I'm moving on. It's not like I can't respec back and equip the gear once (or if) bliz addresses the balance.
I've tried this "spec", and from a healing perspective, there really isn't a measurable difference between wearing dungeon blue caster gear and BiS feral gear, in terms of outcomes. Tomorrow I'll pick up headmasters, and that will make the biggest difference possible on F2P, but swiftmend is just so good that it still doesn't matter. The biggest difference is that moonfire/wrath hit harder.

So all I'm saying is, this works up until your opponent realizes your a healer and either gets a group to focus you or rolls an hpal. For the hard liners talking about contributing, it doesn't matter what gear the healer is wearing if the healer is only healing him/her self. It's just a way for 4.x ferals to transition to something else in 5.x without being obstinate or delusional.

I'm glad some of you are sticking it out in the spec, but I think pretty much all melee is a crapchute right now and I'm moving on. It's not like I can't respec back and equip the gear once (or if) bliz addresses the balance.
indeed. i agree with healing differences doesnt make differences. same with pure dmg vs hybrid dmg because shitty healing is still better than best dmg in this patch.
this is meant to accomplish better feral experience. So what i am trying to do is not trying to be resto and feral at the same time, what im doing is making feral little more better in this healer dominated bracket. im not saying hybrid feral resto is the best druid spec, im saying if you like feral (i do) this spec will get you farther than pure feral spec in this patch.
boomkin is probably better but i dont like the lunar system thing. I still love dps so im going feral hybrid.
just want to point out that you cant mangle mangle mangle rake mangle without waiting for your energy to recover after using savage roar.

see where im getting at? you wont be able to set that up

from the beginning (not accurate)
= 40 energy?
= 50 energy
=25 energy
wait a little
wait a little
wait a little
wait a little
wait a little

no way thats happening

So yea ik this is a really old thread but i was just looking through it and.. am i the only person who, when i can do so without sacrificing mobilty, switches to bearform for a quick mangle while my energy is regening? im fairly sure the bearform mangle+1 bearform auto attack before u switch back is more then just a few auto attacks i cat form.
just wanted to know if any1 else does this, or has done the research to show which provides better dps, waiting in cat, or throwing in a bearform mangle.
Ofc better to play pure class. And tauren feral druid can burst down healers. But why I personally prefer hybrind. The thing is that more then a half pug games if I don't FC - noone will. And I don't wanna run solo from 5 enemies with only rejuv. But remember feral druid - its a damage dealer, resto with feral gear - only support healer.
i don't play a druid in 20-24 but i know the druid class pretty well.

i understand what the OP is trying to do, and he actually has some very good points.

let's look at Rejuvenation

it heals154 per tick and benefits 39.2% from spell power.

resto druids in this bracket have roughly 120 spell power, 120*39.2%=47, which means a 47/154 = 30% increase.

this basically means, even if you have only 0 spell power, you would heal approximately 30% less than a resto druid in normal gears.

because you are wearing full feral set, when using the same abilities the only thing a feral has over you is Savage Roar which means you basically do approximately 30% less damage.

so if you are a resto druid, here is what you do, look at your "over healing" in BG's. if it is around 30% of your total healing, then this method works perfectly for you.

and if you are a feral druid to begin with, imagine, if your dps gets cut down by 30% but in return, you get Regrowth and infinite mana (basically a lot more healing power), is that a fair trade? if yes, then this method works well for you too.
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i play druid resto a lot and i pushed the "hybrid" a bit futher, i mixed intel and agi gear, so far so good i don't really see the difference when i compare to other heals i'm always in the top healers, i don't feel like a support healer at all, and i can assist dps, like help to burst down a heal and stuff.

Also the fact that you actualy stay alive a lot more help you deal a shit load more damages, but yeah burst isn't that great compared to true feral.

Anyway i always loved hybrid class and never saw a class that could dps and heal that much before. (healing is OP)

I hope they'll nerf heal regen at lower level so we got an interesting healing once more, cauz tbh it's very easy atm.

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