i dont need to try your rotation for testing how bad pure feral spec is at this lvl because i already tested myself
just want to point out that you cant mangle mangle mangle rake mangle without waiting for your energy to recover after using savage roar.
see where im getting at? you wont be able to set that up
from the beginning (not accurate)
= 40 energy?
= 50 energy
=25 energy
wait a little
wait a little
wait a little
wait a little
wait a little
no way thats happening
why are you saying all these insults? all i said that offended (?) you was saying 3 feral abilities are useless. which isnt related to your being, its just a game. saying feral sucks made me disgusting. I am stubborn, I am sorry if thats what you want.Oh dear... your goal as DPS is not about trying to survive 1v1 or topping the damage charts. Your job as DPS is to be able to take enemies down through burst and cc. You can try your resto/feral hybrid all you want, but you all you will end up with is less deaths and useless kills because if you managed to get a kill with your "outlast the enemy" strategy, it would most likely have been an unimportant kill.
My rotation is set up to allow maximum burst within a small period of time. Combined with my war stomp, I've taken down many priests and paladins while you were off trying to 1v1 some warrior.
If you would have tried my rotation, you might have liked it. But I can see that your blatant closed-mindedness didn't allow that. I came onto this post hoping to cooperate with you on designing a good feral build and to maybe show a different perspective towards feral dps. However, your too stubborn to see that maybe you're not always right. Helping was my intention but what i received was disgusting at best.
Don't go around thinking your the top druid in this bracket because I've seen your play style, most of the F2P bracket has. I think i speak for most people when i say that it was the most atrocious feral druid dps I have ever witnessed.
Clean up your act, be more open minded, and most of all don't be an asshole when people are trying to help. Ambassador of free to play? What a joke.
P.S. Don't think your the only one that's tested different druid specs. I tried your resto/feral hybrid because I'm not a closed-minded fool. What ended up happening was i had no deaths and no returns...just what i wanted. People asked me "Why are you trying resto in feral gear?", and I couldn't respond without sounding like I was spewing nonsense.
/sigh...If you would have at least TRIED my rotation, you would have realized that savage roar is a 24 second duration buff from just two combo points which allows plenty of time to set up your burst.
But I'm done. It's obvious that you don't want my help nor do you want to listen to it. That's fine. I refuse to help such a closed-minded idiot as you. Good day.
same survival? so rejev and 30 second CD that will break if you have one dot is same as regrowth (60% increased crit chance) swiftmend rejev and displacer beast? i hope you were joking.
Actually, that's not at all what I'm saying or thinking. I'm saying you're being too stubborn, as always.you are the one who is thinking that this spec wont work
Unless your team has no good healers, there is no reason you should need to self heal. When team fighting a healer, the most important thing is CC -- > Burst.you know why feral abilities are useless? not because of how much more dmg you do (it does a little more), its because no matter how much dmg you do, healers can out heal right away
You and I have been in different games I suppose. In my games, my healers aren't terrible and manage to sustain me 90% of the time.and how are you going to get all the feral buffs and get 5 points just to FB and hope it ill crit? you will be killed by hpals by then.
hpals arent the only healers and you wont meet too many of them alone. Dots are more common than not. i use displacer beast as more of a mobility thing than running away thing.@DubbsBegins
You're talking about surviving healers. Holy pallies have no dots, and if you honestly can't survive healers using with a 20 yard teleport then you're not doing so well. If the healer has dps with him you'll still die in your spec, unless they suck, in which case you should be able to get away. I was being hyperbolic but it's damn close with decent support.
Actually, that's not at all what I'm saying or thinking. I'm saying you're being too stubborn, as always.
Unless your team has no good healers, there is no reason you should need to self heal. When team fighting a healer, the most important thing is CC -- > Burst.
You and I have been in different games I suppose. In my games, my healers aren't terrible and manage to sustain me 90% of the time.
accomplishing something in pvp can be many things. in wsg, a lot of players farm or get farmed. that means you either have to do things alone (or small group that knows what they are doing) or just give up and enjoy the actual pvp, not capture the flag. these days, most fcs (every FC ive seen in mop so far) are hpals or they are with hpals. as a pure feral druid, if you cant beat a healer 1v1, why bothering going to fc then? im not saying getting fc is pointless. I play objective. But im just saying its pointless when you know you cant do it as pure feral. Atleast as a hybrid, i last longer and kill off some other classes nearby the mighty hpal FC. although i play objective, i dont like playing objective if it doesnt involve pvp. I play pvp for pvp, not capture the flag. Id rather do that irl outside.Baffi, you slick bastard. I miss you.
On topic: This is a great build if you want to feel good about yourself by raking up stats without actually accomplishing anything. Play a real spec. Not a trash hybrid, that doesn't do anything but tickle healers, and let you live long enough to run away and meld stealth.
you clearly think this spec is trash so i just want to defend my opinion thats all.
I enjoy 1vX battles.
Is it really considered playing objectively when you're deliberately going after people alone for fun? Sure, when you go and solo 3 people, which in my opinion is a terrible playstyle, your spec comes in handy. When you truly play objectively, actually speccing to be useful to your team comes in handy.f you cant beat a healer 1v1, why bothering going to fc then
And whether or not combat counters feral.this is like predatory strikes all over again
you play on AP. you probably premade alot. if you pug, you will realize that not many people wants to objective. i solo bgs alot. i learned to play objective alone pretty well. since everyone is farming or getting farmed, theres only about 1 - 3 people around fc most of the time.I, as well as a lot of other people, are recommending you use a different spec because this one accomplishes nothing. This is like playing a CC hunter, without the actual CC.
Is it really considered playing objectively when you're deliberately going after people alone for fun? Sure, when you go and solo 3 people, which in my opinion is a terrible playstyle, your spec comes in handy. When you truly play objectively, actually speccing to be useful to your team comes in handy.
you play on AP. you probably premade alot. if you pug, you will realize that not many people wants to objective. i solo bgs alot. i learned to play objective alone pretty well. since everyone is farming or getting farmed, theres only about 1 - 3 people around fc most of the time.
Different opinions are fine and dandy, try and keep it civil though guys.
3 ( hpal, 2dps) vs 1 pure feral druid. Can you kill the hpal fc?? no, you dieAddon is broken, people don't premade as of 5.0. Pugged my way to 1300 honor and growing on my warlock. If there's only 1-3 people around the fc most of the time, why would you limit your dps capabilities? You're going to get jack shit done except waddle around the FC without dying, which doesn't help you win.
Earl put it nicely, your build limits two specs, while accomplishing shit. The fact you won't even try listening to what Bale said and are so stubborn about using your shit build. Really, try using the rotation bale set up. I played demonology on my warlock for a long time, and I survived through a ton of damage and was highly mobile. But then I tried destro and realized I could actually be useless for more than just having 0-2 deaths for my team.
I'm done arguing with you unless you actually try listening to what people are telling you. But since you never do, I think we're done here.