I was butchering them. I'm Subtlety > Subterfuge > Sword. I've been able to solo kill druids in doors. Paladins require 1-2 more players but I can keep them at 50% solo and it takes them a while to kill me because they're too busy healing.
Double Ambush>Hemo>Eviscerate>Hemo+Eviscerate Spam
Before you post your "blahblahblahblah". I've been doing this all morning, so all negative comments will pretty much be ignored because I know for a fact this IS VIABLE so don't bother unless you want to learn random facts about sea life.
Rogue is very much not nerfed. If you're whining about it then you were spoiled and you're bad at the class.
Double Ambush>Hemo>Eviscerate>Hemo+Eviscerate Spam
Before you post your "blahblahblahblah". I've been doing this all morning, so all negative comments will pretty much be ignored because I know for a fact this IS VIABLE so don't bother unless you want to learn random facts about sea life.

Rogue is very much not nerfed. If you're whining about it then you were spoiled and you're bad at the class.
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