Search results

  1. is the epic 2 minute trinket available on the ptr?

    cbf spending 4-5 nights downloading the ptr just so i can check to see if this one item is there ~_~
  2. r 39 shamans any good?

    any of the specs really, how are they ?
  3. US wtb; shadowfang x2 and goblin mail legs on kelthuzad

    also have some assasin blades to trade for the legs
  4. Terrible Bug!

  5. US wtb; shadowfang x2 and goblin mail legs on kelthuzad

    never said i expected anyone to xfer to me when i say im not xfering i mean im looking for someone that already has the items on here.
  6. US wtb; shadowfang x2 and goblin mail legs on kelthuzad

    wtb; shadowfang x2 and goblin mail legs on kelthuzad topic name, post w/e you have. not xfering
  7. Bind to replaces BoA?

    doesnt look like cross realm boas to me, just looks like you can mail stuff from bnetaccount1 - > bnetaccount2 if ur on the same server. seems like they would mention cross realm mail if you could, but they didnt. o well can wait and see :)
  8. guardians gear added back but no 2 min trinkets ??

    stormwind with all of the honor shit
  9. guardians gear added back but no 2 min trinkets ??

    unless im blind but i have gone through every single vendor and i cant find it
  10. US wtb 2 shadowfangs on kelthuzad

  11. Sublety and combat

    usually cant even kick your own target as combat x)
  12. huntard gearing question

    once you can get helm; chardev 8 - Cataclysm Beta fuck that ring though, its a whore
  13. liek omg ptr patch notes, rip resto druid/holy priest hunter buffsss

    ? 3% more crit, ~100 more hp, 2 seconds off of disengage, more serpent sting damage(kinda negligible but w/e) and a shot with a 6 second cd/50 focus cost that does 450-900 fire damage depending on crits is not wise? doing way more fucking damage gets more kills and saves more lives...
  14. liek omg ptr patch notes, rip resto druid/holy priest hunter buffsss

    the fuck are you talking about? rets are shit at 85 and sacred shield is like a tier 4 talent(cuz u didnt specify ur level anywhere)
  15. New twink! What class?

    make a hunter or holy paladin explosive shot people for 600 + retarded damage from autoshot etc while being completely untouchable by melee or hoj someone and spam exorcisms into 1 person and do 1000 damage to anything in a hoj
  16. Furbolg Medicine Pouch Questions

    yes its worth it, go get it. it takes about 30-40 minutes with 10% rep bonus from a guild.
  17. Working on a CC mage

    u can with invis so im just going to assume yes
  18. Working on a CC mage

    nope, it doesnt invis with you. make use of move pet