shanker said:hunters are also getting nerfed
explosive shot which is in 19 bracket
and agility % buff in surv spec is getting reduced
bankbeauty said:haha, do you relaize what it means to be able to run while shooting? Guess NOT. I mean, there's no way on earth I'll be able to catch an hunter. I mean,Run concussive shot, BTW 6sec now, Run Auto-shot, run completly away from me, concussive shot, refres, Have fun. Reducing some of their abilities damage is one thing but giving PvPer shitloads more ability to kite, like it was hard with a hunter, plus an addition to your dps, VASTLY superior to the nerf to explosive shot and agi lost.
Btw I jsut read that:
PvP trinkets will now clear disarm and silence effects. Sick, Not Really really useful at low level but extremely interesting at higher bracket
shanker said:yeah i know what it will mean to face a hunter that can shoot while running.........same thing i have to deal with in a way when it comes to fighting warlocks, mages, etc, that got on the run attack abilities on CATA
Nit said:Hunters already had me not wanting to queue for 19s any longer, but this may be the final nail in that coffin. Bummer![]()
Duckhunt said:I wouldn't panic until the patch is released, remember this is on the TEST realms. There is still time to give them feed back.
Duckhunt said:Any 19 hunter that played survival wasn't a very wise player anyway. The best spec actually got a AP buff, and so did arcane shot.
bankbeauty said:Just waiting to seee my Pally build with these changes. What was it already, we don't want player to heal with a sacred shield that give them almost totalk immunity, wait no longer, just spec ret healing and you'll never be oom, high dps and have a shitloads of hardcore survivability, Thanks Blizz. Like it wasn't enough to not die in 71 Bgs in a row with a Blue-geared Pally, now you're buffing my specs, you are so lovely!!!
Any 19 hunter that played survival wasn't a very wise player anyway. The best spec actually got a AP buff, and so did arcane shot.