Sublety and combat


Hi, my rogue have just dinged 19 and I have to ask, what spec do you prefer?

How much hit cap need combat ? How much hit cap need sub ? :Alliance:
If you want to be a worthless piece of shit who is incapable of kicking any other enemy than your target. go combat. If you want to actually play to win then go sub.
Evade said:
If you want to be a worthless piece of shit who is incapable of kicking any other enemy than your target. go combat. If you want to actually play to win then go sub.

usually cant even kick your own target as combat x)
blueisbetterthanyou said:
usually cant even kick your own target as combat x)

good point. I was being conservative.
A combat rogue might be good for 1v1 vs melee, but u will get kited by any ranged.

A sublety rogue has good bursts, and is way use usefull for his team (e.g. Slowing the EFC for 70%)

Up to u to decide. (I prefer sub.)
Thanks for fast answer. Btw I'll go for sub but what weapons do I need? I dont need the most rare twink weapons but I want it good enough :) You can recommend something?:D
Sentinals dagger and skeletal club I think are best.
Gankenstein said:
2x swords is the way to go.

Always good to have a dagger available for waylay reapplication.
Combat is the way to go, if you want to be good at killing dummies.

Sublety is good for WSG, and actual stuff that matters.
Cruel barbs are trash in mainhand at least, dunno about offhand. No idea about the BoA mace after cata. So I would roll with skeletal clubs or BoA maces depending on if it's any good. Unless you have shadowfangs ofc.

And whats up with all the combat hate? :( I've seen quite a few people play combat extremely well. Both specs are viable imo
Both specs are playable, but only one has an intercept on a 20 second cooldown. Go ask warriors what that kind of utility does for you. Also only sub has any form of slows.

Besides that, swords do most damage, but daggers are good for waylay procs. I think BoA mace is best after Shadowfang. Then skeletal club, sentinal blade for dagger. Look for trespassers post a while back. He explains everything mathematically.

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