Terrible Bug!

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:US::US::US::US::US:To do this you first of all need a macro. It is possible without, but I strongly suggest using it, as it makes it a lot easier. I believe it is possible to fully automate the process aswell, however I am no macro-expert so I don't know how to create it.

Anyways, here it is:

/click StaticPopup1Button1

Along with this you also need 20g for every BG you enter. I consider this a very small fee, and is not that great a deal.

So, how does it work?

As you may, or may not be aware every time you enter a BG theres a small timeframe in which, you wait to get teleported in. We are gonna use this. Go to your local XP-stopper (the NPC that can freeze your XP) and be ready to talk to him when any queue pops. I assume you at this point have queued for a non-twink BG, all the while still able to receive XP.

When your queue pops up you do the trick. You talk to the NPC and press "I no longer wish to gain experience". A pop-up window will appear, don't touch this.

At this point you have two windows up, the BG queue and XP freeze.

You accept the BG and count to one, then press the macro which accepts the XP freeze. This way you will enter your BG with XP frozen, while everybody else still gains it.

I have failed on this a few times and if you don't get it right you can always /afk out of the BG and try again. It takes a few times of practice to get it right.
Why the hell would anyone want to go to all that effort just to grief someone in an xp-on game? /boggle
thank you for the guide!
You would think that enlightening the bracket as to the uses of choosing 29 spellpower over 30 healing power was enough, but no, you now bring everyone this as well. You've truly outdone yourself this time; if ever there was a role model for 19 twinks to look up to, it's you.
Sick! I've been looking to pay money to 1 shot lowbies just trying to level up.....

seriously...what the hell does this accomplish?
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