Search results

  1. Guild Rep and faction change?????

    Since you'll be leaving a guild, your rep will not change until you join another guild. Then it gets set back to nothing. Guild rep grinding on a lowbie is painful for sure. Even on my 70 hunter it was rough to get to honored so that the guild could have thoridal, so I feel your pain.
  2. How To - Free Name Change!

    Good lord, just pay the ten freakin' dollars if you're going to be that scared of it :P
  3. How To - Free Name Change!

    I have never seen Blizz just delete a toon before, regardless the reason. They'll ban/suspend/re-merge/etc, but I doubt they'd ever just delete it just because it was a trial account; that represents possible revenue for them.
  4. How To - Free Name Change!

    Well, to avoid that, you could always register a free trial account. Make Dethknite on that new account so it doesn't look like they're related, and then follow CIHC's method.
  5. US WTS account.

    Yes, but if someone BUYS it and then it gets banned because Blizz happened to be checking this stuff out, then you'd be the one responsible for making things right. I'd highly recommend removing the exact info and putting up masked armories. It's more of an incentive to buyers as well if they...
  6. US 70 Dwarf Hunter - Thori'dal

    Here is a Masked Armory: 70 Dwarf Hunter Real armory(ies) can be provided if there is serious interest. --dan *EDIT* currently wearing PvE Gear.
  7. US 70 Dwarf Hunter - Thori'dal

    70 Dwarf Hunter - Thori'dal Hello All, Due to the influx of questions regarding one of my previous posts: I'm looking to sell my hunter. This hunter is absolutely one of the best 70s in the world to have, based on many factors. Here's a quick rundown of some of the great features...
  8. EU WTB LVL 70 twink

    Too bad you're EU - I have one of the best 70 hunters in the world that I'm looking to sell :/ --dan
  9. 70 and Rogues

    Rogues are lots of fun. I can't say that I personally would think that 69 would be a lot of fun. At 70 you get all the cool toys, and you can still beat the shit out of a 74 with no problems. Mages have been OP forever, and priests are haxx0rz.
  10. US WTS Scarab Lord 70 hunter

    Alright, I'll bite. The troll (mrdoobry) needs to be fed again: GM/HWL can not even compare with Scarab Lord. The SL questline/title/mount/etc was all on a very finite time table. Once the first person turned in the quest, the rest of the server had TEN HOURS to turn it in. After that, it was...
  11. Microsoft Rage Paint - 99% Done, RATE IT! - 60 twink

    Might want to consider Ring of Emperor Vek'lor - Item - World of Warcraft also, so that instead of the tanking Brood ring, you could get the DPS brood ring.
  12. EU Wtb 19 druid

    That's a pretty specific set of requirements. Best of luck to you.
  13. Race Change + Tf quest

    If you drop the quest, you can still start it again as long as you have at least one of the bindings. The Essence is a guaranteed drop if you are on the quest. Yes, you'll have to get that again, but the bindings won't go away when you switch.
  14. 19 Holy Paladin - Alliance

    I thought that Agi didn't give armor anymore?
  15. Gnome racial and Engineering?

    Human Racial is nice, but Escape artist doesn't share CD with trinket like Every Man for Himself does, so if you need to take down an FC or healer, sometimes you need to EA then trinket to do it. It's very very nice.
  16. US WTS Teebu's Blazing Longsword

    Nedreck would like your sword, Reapur ;) We'll talk in game.
  17. Which realm!?

    There's an Ally guild on Kel'thuzad called [list=1], I'll be headed there soon. Very nice peeps. It's a PvP server (MST I think...) and is primarily Ally. a good place to be if you're looking for pve and pvp.
  18. Hello, need some help on my 60 pally.....

    Needs Thunderfury! And some 2.5 gears :)
  19. Which realm!?

    Horde or Alliance? Do you want a PvE or PvP server?