If by optimised healing, you mean stacking Int through the roof, then don't. You can't heal when CCd/dead, armor is your friend, its what makes you survive, as is stam.
LFH (you're obviouslyaware of)
Sentinal's Medalion > Thick Bronze Necklace, you still hit stuff, it gives armor.
Satchel Cloak of the Sorcerer, haste > everything.
Don't get Mindthrust Bracers, spirit is negligible, then its 1 int vs 50 armor between them and Fortified Bracers of the Eagle; the armor is better. 9 stam to Bracers is also better.
I prefer Defender's Gauntlets of the Eagle > Woodworking Gloves, 40 armor > 2int. Stacking Int isn't really the way to go, and too much leather/cloth makes you too vunerable. Mitigation is key.
Satchel Belt of the Sorcerer.
- Conserve your mana, don't just spam2derp. There's actual times when you can sit there and cast a Holy Light, don't disregard it.
- Going into Melee Range to Crus Strike for Holy Charges is needed, you shouldn't just be sitting on the sidelines derp casting. Armor gives you the mitigation to stay in Melee Range, dart out to cast FoLs if needed etc etc.
- Crit is a very very poor stat for Holy Paladins, at all levels. Pay attention to Armor as a primary stat, don't run off ditching Armor for X Spirit/Crit, isn't worth it.
- High Stam pools, are indefinately better than High Int Pools. 1.4k Health and 2k Mana is completely inferior to 1.7k Health and 1.6k Mana. Health + Armor are your main stats, 1.5k mana is all you need, max.