Hello, need some help on my 60 pally.....


Hi guys, this is my first time posting here, but I have been looking at twink info for a long time, back when Drayner was around.

Anyway here is my armory of the paladin so far

Violeta @ Scarlet Crusade - Game - World of Warcraft

I have the eye of cthun :D, just need to turn it in for the cape, and I still working on the Eng for the stamina trinkets, but other then that would there be any upgrades i can grab?

Also I feel really lost about my glyphs, is it worthwhile to get the 10 exp glyph?

If you guys can help out I would appreciate it :)
- Cloak unenchanted

- Bladefist's Breadth is better imo than Jom Gabbar

- I disagree with Berserking. Mongoose or Executioner would be better

- Berserker Bracers are better than Bracers of finesse

- About geming stamina now ... It's a very controversial issue. Vengeance is a big factor but note that in order to max out Vengeance you will first need to receive damage almost the double of your HP without calculating absorbs. In other word with 14k health to gain 1400 AP you need to eat 28k damage. I do prefer strength over stamina as long as I have a health pool over 9k.
Thanks for the for the help :)

- got the cloak enchanted

- got the Bladefist's Breadth

- got mongoose

- got Berserker Bracers

What about glyphs??, as protection I use

Seal of truth - 10 expertise

Hammer of righteous - 10% more damage on physical and magic component of hammer of righteous
The glyphs depend totally on your game style.

You can be either offensive or defensive.

Starting from the more offensive to the less the order is:

Glyph of Shield of the Righteous

Glyph of Hammer of the Righteous

Glyph of Judgement

Glyph of Seal of Truth

Starting from the more offensive to the less the order is:

Glyph of Word of Glory

Glyph of Seal of Insight


I would not recommend using Glyph of Seal of Truth because the 10 expertise is not that good for paladins because most of your attacks cannot be dodged or parried unless you use a lot crusader strike instead of Hammer of righteous and you use a lot Shield of the Righteous instead of Word of Glory.

If you want the highest survivability then use Glyph of Word of Glory & Glyph of Seal of Insight.

If you want balanced burst + survivability then use Glyph of Hammer of the Righteous + Glyph of Word of Glory

For high burst Glyph of Hammer of the Righteous + Glyph of Shield of the Righteous

If you want a little bit more burst than survivability (like I do) then use Glyph of Hammer of the Righteous + Glyph of Judgement

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