70 and Rogues


How are rogues at 70 ? As my rogue is 69atm and maybe gear him for arena !

As far as i read Mages are very op / Priests..

For the rest of the classes i read nothing interesting.
Rogues are lots of fun. I can't say that I personally would think that 69 would be a lot of fun. At 70 you get all the cool toys, and you can still beat the shit out of a 74 with no problems. Mages have been OP forever, and priests are haxx0rz.
Well, to be fair, I believe that a good rogue can deal with any class.

This is the same at 70. You have enough talent points to hit the 31 point talent in a single tree. This gives you great mobility & burst as sub, and nice stability as assa. I have not played combat myself.

The bracket can be quite bursty, but if you can play the rogue half decently you should do fine.

Alas, I have had difficulty when playing a good exodin, or resto druid.

Moreso with the exodin.. if your trinket is down when they pop HoJ, you're about 4 1.5 second Excorcism casts from being dead :)

It isn't like you will always get facerolled though. You can go toe to toe with 9/10 of class specs.

hey a rogue can deal with me for sure xddd not like thorns will kill him xd

Rogues are very viable, decent skillcap on 70 since u don't miss too much important abilities.
70 rogue is my main 70, love her, only resto shammys/droods pose a problem, it's all about patience and timing with them :/

Mages are cake for rogues.

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