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  • Somehow Blizz fucked the Garrison. my 10 all the sudden sees "Blueprint required" on everything, even after learning all LvL 1 Blueprints
    Stealth nerfs already happening. I've lost some Armor % on my 10 Protadin in the past few days.
    Sick of ppl making excuses to get others nerfed because they're shit at WoW. Either Twink or don't, there is no middle.
    I just hope it doesn't F the AV ques. My 10 Achievement whore isn't quite Exalted yet and there's no way I can make it before reset.
    I would argue that 10 and even 19 has ALWAYS been "easy" to level to and get gear to be OP, at least since TBC.
    @Echo I think we're all still trying to lock down what Twink LvL(s) will be great in SL. 20's should have plenty of stuff to do, 10's are OP
    @Echo meh, plenty of us here that knew damn well this was coming and have been farming the "after" Gear the whole time.
    Except Legion Dungeon anything hasn't proc'd Socket/Tertiary for anyone (lower Levels), only high(er) Levels. We're not sure where it starts
    Kill Korrack in Zul'Drak (Abandon Quest) then you can repeat it for all your Twinks... profit.
    Odd bug, if you use one of your 110 (now 48) Boosts on an old 101, all their Legion Epics get mailed back to you as BoE again.
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