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  • Looks like 49's will get Renown from Covenants but not the Upgrades (like Class Hall stuff) as those require LvL 60.
    Well, we still don't know how the XP-Enabled bullcrap is going to work, so you may not be capable of Exalted at 59.
    So if you do just the Storyline Quests to get to 60 asap, you'll get Quest Level gated at some point. FUCK YOU BLIZZ.
    Indeed, I want a Highmountain Male Rogue with Elixir of Giant Growth + DMF Potion making Mage's bleed from their Anus at 3x their size ;)
    Just checked 49's in Bastion & Oribos, both still have XPOff. You've still got some time to get your 49's geared in SL.
    If Blizz actually removes the ability to lock XP, I'm done for good. Twinking is the only reason I still play WoW.
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