Are Druids able to equip Rune of Duty? The app lets me equip both Runes. Wishful thinking?
I recall discussion about the crit calculation not being perfect, is that unchanged in this version?
I noticed the Weapon panel redraw isn't quite right. Sometimes it is a smidge too small for Repurposed Lava Dredger (the bottom of +15 Fire Resistance is clipped) but you have an on-resize event that fixes it so maybe this needs to have an on-click equivalent? (FFS, some people are so petty!)
No the requirements on Rune of Duty/Perfection haven't changed, I just haven't done anything to restrict it. Same with equipping 2 Unique items, like DPR. It just becomes a huge mess of checks (can this specific class use this, is one already there, etc). But the Runes might be worth doing, I'll take a look.
The item preview screen is too small... and the MH slot. Thanks for the find
I'm pretty sure crit's ok (or at least very close), I know melee attack power is off. Nothing I find matches what you get in game, so either Blizzard's BG scaling is off (which it is for other things, such as hit) or my formula is just incorrect. I'm trying to wait until WoD since that's going to require a complete rewrite of all computed stats anyways. But if you think you find something let me know.
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