What you would change/remove from WoW

wow isnt a true mmo tho, if it were it'd have been dead a very long time ago now.
I think I see the disconnect here. You haven't played Overwatch in the last couple of years, have you? The Overwatch player rating system I mentioned doesn't have downvotes. There's no way to malign fellow players with bad ratings. Players can still be reported and investigated for particular behaviors outside of the rating system (I don't know if such reports affect ratings), but those reports are handled on a case-by-case basis, rather than automated like the upvote system. Which is more than I can say for WoW and its mass abusable afk-reporting, for which 39s gained a reputation years ago.

A non-downvote rating system may still create player sediment layers as @Selaya warned, but Overwatch's system doesn't give players a stick with which to beat other players.
for all the garbage overwatch is, it's report/silence system actually works, unlike some games (R.I.P. Heroes of the Storm)
easy solution: do. not. pug.
I'd remove chromie, war mode, tokens, most currencies. Would make raw gold farms great again and lower gold cap to 1mil.

Would you recommend some kind of gold shrink if they were to lower gold cap? Like if you own 9.9m, it would go down to 999k?
You want Blizzard to balance and fine tune 900 tier sets every time they introduce a new one?

Another thing I would like to change (keep the same) are class mechanics. I'm not a fan of the change-up every other patch/expac. I believe classes shouldn't play much different from, let's say, Cata or MoP (disregarding DHs). I think somewhere around there was the sweet-spot for class design imo. So in that case it would be somewhat easy to manage old tier set bonuses, if not tedious at first.

We give Blizzard too much of a pass for things like that. It's certainly within the ability of a AAA game studio to make the rounds and fine-tune old gear, when a few people who manage private servers do exactly that.
Because PuG abstinence solves all the problems. /s
i mean, thats like buying a knockoff and then complaining about its shit quality

pugs will never go above like a D-, if you want better games > premade
otherwise, dealwithit
I would remove cross faction communities. I felt a shudder of revulsion the first time I encountered cross faction ribbing in relation to a battleground in progress. I'm all for cross faction grouping and instances or whatever but being able to communicate with the other faction as a group during a battleground just feels super weird to me.
i mean, thats like buying a knockoff and then complaining about its shit quality

pugs will never go above like a D-, if you want better games > premade
otherwise, dealwithit

Don't change contexts on me, PuGs and premades serve different purposes. My skill expectations for PuGs certainly sit lower than premades, but PuGs can bring as much fun as long as a preponderance of OP classes don't show up on one side (a separate issue from this discussion), or as long as we don't get someone spending more time doing damage with their mouth rather than with their character (exactly what this is about).
but that is exactly what pugging is about, when there's zero effort involved to getting a game going there is no social contract in place that'll stop those kinds of behavior

honestly, we just need to all get down from our entitlement pedestal and accept that pugging is ass and diminishes your game experience.
either premade, or don't play at all. can't have the cake and eat it too
honestly, we just need to all get down from our entitlement pedestal and accept that pugging is ass and diminishes your game experience.
either premade, or don't play at all. can't have the cake and eat it too
I think you're problem here is assuming that the desired and/or expected outcome is the same when someone ques up a pug versus when they que up a wargame.

If you're playing random BGs expecting a "good game" or "competitive play" it's gonna be your own fault when you have a miserable time because it didnt turn out like you had hoped. Randoms are for doing goofy shit and dicking around in discord.

Fun can be had there. You're just looking for a different kind of fun than when you que up a wargame.
i (almost) understand that, i just find the act/concept of pugging wholly unenjoyable.
the point for me to play multiplayer is to play w/ people i know of & have fun together.
if im cba to get to know of my fellow players, i might asw fire up a singleplayer game and play that
I would remove cross faction communities. I felt a shudder of revulsion the first time I encountered cross faction ribbing in relation to a battleground in progress. I'm all for cross faction grouping and instances or whatever but being able to communicate with the other faction as a group during a battleground just feels super weird to me.

It's one of those things that I like only because the alternative is a dead community. If the game population was high enough and people were more active, I would feel the same way as you do. They may as well just remove factions and have orcs and humans hold hands
I'm pretty simple in my wish... remove the nuggets, and the petals when farming materials... if you are not skilled enough, then you cant do it. (I can buy on the AH, but I am extremely casual)
How bout a "Lloyd's Beacon" toy, same as the Vulpera Make Camp , useable across all toons, or even a personalized one.
[doublepost=1658106285,1658100710][/doublepost]Now that I'm brainstorming.... New Specs for most Classes ( 'cept them leafy-Droods, Shiny Priests & Wiley Monks )

Death Knight get's the long-desired Necromancer spec, A ranged caster combining abilities native to both
Demo-Locks & Unholy DKs
Demon Hunter's get a ranged DPS spec with ranged versions of their common melee abilities but suffer some added squishyness

gets a healer, the new Ranger spec, think Disc priest + Resto Druid with a Surv hunter's nasty trap assortment. Can opt into Ranged weapon or Melee, DPS'ing accordingly, heals with HoT's & AoE's , cures poisons & diseases.

get's a Melee DPS, Spellsword & plays like an arcane Ret Pally. May opt in to a 1h & shield build, swapping higher damage for blocks & spell reflects.

Paladin get's the long desired 'Shockadin' spec, the Inquisitor. Ranged hybrid heals/DPS spec featuring holy nukes & obnoxious blessings & bubbles, as well as all the old judgments & buffs from pre-cata.

Rogue receives a ranged DPS, the Mercenary featuring all the dirty tricks you've come to loathe, but now performed from a safe distance. Outlaw may opt in to a shield spec, turing Shiv into a shield-slam, Feint now increases block chance & Tricks of the Trade the-trade now funnels all aggro onto the Rogue.

Shaman get the tank spec they always should have had, the Earth-Warden. Nothing too new here, plays like a Shaman tacnk ( accept it's good ) Advanced spec options for 2h Enhance appear as well.

Warlock also get's the tank they almost had ( & Demon Hunter became ) as the new Summoner claims all of Demo's abilities, & the Demonology spec becomes a hybrid tank/ranged DPS spec.

Warrior get's a ranged DPS/ Support Hybrid, the Captain see's ranged version of many Warrior staples, & uses their shouts to Buff the party or raid, as well as dampen the opposition.

Tell me your ideas... or, shit from a great hieght on these top-o'-me-head ideas.
I would love prestige specs, do some uber-hard class specific questline that requires you to know the ins and outs of your class in order to unlock an account-wide specialization for that class.
That would be really, really cool... but how would you implement it? It would become the meta for Glad, M+ & Mythic Raiders. What kind of ability/s would you like to see as rewards?
It would become the meta for Glad, M+ & Mythic Raiders. What kind of ability/s would you like to see as rewards?
no no, not "better" specs, just different playstyles, e.g, a tank shaman, or a melee mage, or a necromancer death knight.
the specs themselves would be balanced just as any other spec, but it'd be more a unique identity unlocked through self-knowledge rather than just "better arcane mage" for mage.
People whine about individual abilities being time gated i cannot IMAGINE the frothing rage theyd work themselves into if a whole spec was skill gated lol

“selling prestige spec runs” would dominate city chats
no no, not "better" specs, just different playstyles, e.g, a tank shaman, or a melee mage, or a necromancer death knight.
the specs themselves would be balanced just as any other spec, but it'd be more a unique identity unlocked through self-knowledge rather than just "better arcane mage" for mage.
That just hand waves his concerns away. You would absolutely need to consider how those new specs play into the endgame meta. Those kinda rewards are cool in single player games but don't work that well in multiplayer ones since you are then forced to design/balance them in a way thats fair balance-wise for the people who havent unlocked it. As soon as one of those new specs you claim are just "different playstyles" becomes meta in any environment or parses in top 5 there will, rightfully imo, be an absolute shitstorm

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