Heya, Ok so here it goes,
I would first of all undo the lvl squish, Damage squish i dont really mind. And i would make sure that leveling characters to max lvl would take the Original amount of time, so from 1 to 60 in Retail would take just as long as it would take in Vanilla, 60-70 just as long as it would take in TBC, etc etc.. I know to get to lvl 120 would take a lot of time but even this isnt long enough in my opinion.
And i would want a Rebirth system, that makes your Character lvl 1 again with certain extra strenghts, and would let you level from 1 to 120 all over again but this time twice as slowly. Leveling used to be a huge part of WoW in vanilla because it was pretty hard to get to max lvl, this made the world feel full of life. and is very important to the game.. nowadays leveling a character to max lvl is more like a chore that u have to do real quick to get to endgame content... which imo should be a reward for people who put alot of time in... no casual may just casually play endgame content imo.
Then i would like it so that old content would be made relevant again for max lvl players.. This means that Every raid instance+world bosses + rares ingame would be scaled to max lvl. and all the gear dropped from raids (including all tiers and their set bonuses) and all legendaries, would be availiable again on Max lvl. However it would be pretty hard (comparable to mythic raids)
Also i would turn the entirety of the World of warcraft zones into 1 big loadable world. this means that in theory you could fly from Kalimdor to Pandaria for example over the seas. However i wouldnt remove Fatique... instead i would make a system where guilds can construct ships, which can function sort of as a guild hub, and can move over the whole world. and dock where they want.. etc etc. and on the Ship you wouldnt get fatiqued. You could fly around your ship.. however only as long as the fatique allows you.
Phasing has to be completely removed, and to make the worlds feel fuller, certain realms have to be merged in order to make that happen.
Now the biggest change i would like to see is this system, I call is the Soul Essence system, which makes every mob,rare,boss,elite, ingame have a 1 in 10.000 chanse to drop a Soul Essence, This Soul Essence is unique to the mob that dropped it, So for example you could have a Ragnaros Soul Essence, or a Lich King Soul essence, or an Elwyn Wolf soul Essence,
An Elwyn Wolf Soul essence would give you a passive bonus of +1% crit chanse for example, The soul Essences could then be Enchanted to your body Parts (under your gear on the body slot) and could be removed also at will, and The Soul essences could also be put in bottles and traded on the auction house, sort of like the BFG Put dreams in bottles u know...
Ofcourse a Soul essence of the Lich king would be amazingly powerfull, for example allowing you to raise the dead to fight for you, or something Lich King like..
Also to make it so that not everybody can get these overpowered Soul essences easily Only the Max lvl scaled Raid bosses can drop these Soul Essences,
In Retail Wow, there are probably 15.000 hostile mobs/bosses to get unique soul essences from, which give you passive buffs, skills, and more which would give the game incredible depth. and Truely reward the people who have played the most, instead of this sissy everybody is a winner kind of mindset that exists in the world nowadays.
This would make pvp crazy awesome... Imagine having fights with people that have 10 slots in their gear with Raid boss Soul essences... which allows them to use certain raidboss powers in pvp against eachother.. World pvp, BG,s and Arena would be pretty dope.
However ofcourse i understand that BG and arena should still need the traditional version without Soul essences for the people who like to play in the classic way (which would be easy to allow)
And lastly, I would like a hell lot of new islands to be made in the huge huge seas around all the zones.
Islands which can be claimed by guilds, in a constant world pvp battle.
And new super strong world bosses that can only be beat by people with amazing Soul Essences.
Imagine.. a Warrior Lord (reborn) Max lvl, with Duel wield Hand of Ragnaros and Shadowmourne, and the perfect Warrior Tier set.
Best trinkets ingame from any instance... That uses powers from Garosh Hellscream,The lich King, From C thun, and any good Soul essence that combines with other soul essences to create a whole custom class so to speak.
This is a game i would love to play.
Hehe... sorry i get carried away when i see posts like this.
Hope some of you agree and would also like these changes, let me know what you think.
Maybe democracy was a bad idea.
Its some of the worst ideas Ive ever seen written down. Not only does it sound like an entirely different game, it sounds like a boring game.ComeonYou know you love it!
And if you dont like it, why dont you like it?
fighting for peace is like fucking for virginityMake a WoW version of Overwatch's "avoid player" and "upvote player" system. Like Overwatch, there are too many good players to use the "avoid two players per week" system to avoid games with those players, but the system will help isolate toxic dumps. While we're at it, improve the "report player" options.
Expand deserter debuffs account-wide. If a battleground is bad enough to leave, it's bad enough to make the wait worthwhile. Make escalating debuffs e.g. every 5 afks, increase the debuff timer by 15 minutes for proceeding deserter debuffs until the weekly reset.
[ ... ]
fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity
This won't work in an mmo, trust me. We're better without thatIt's not about peace, but rather about making players complicit in their own oppression. Which succeeded admirably well in Overwatch.
no, idt that'll work - it'll just up the ante and baseline toxicityIt's not about peace, but rather about making players complicit in their own oppression. Which succeeded admirably well in Overwatch.
This won't work in an mmo, trust me. We're better without that
While admittedly I was glib in my response, I'm at a loss as to how a player upvote system will lead to more toxicity issues, and certainly at a loss as to how that systemically compares to recent populist tendencies, especially given that WoW doesn't have a scarcity economy.no, idt that'll work - it'll just up the ante and baseline toxicity
i mean dont get me wrong theres a (rampant) tox issue across the gaming world, but this is the exact same ass-backwards way of "problem solving" that, amongst others led to donald fucking trump and the repeal of roe.
WoW should pull an Everquest and segregate them to their own server and then, several years down the road, just unceremoniously delete their characters and ban their accountswell, if you think this through to the conclusion what you're suggesting is basically segregating those toxic dumbfucks into their own queue
i am actually amazed how many people believe that this is a good idea
sure, short- to maybe even mediumterm we've rid ourselves off our pollutants but having those people echo chamber inbreeding is extremely dangerous, which is my point of all this
These kinds of "hardcore farming" stuff dont really fly anymore in modern MMOs. In reality, the dev team are already struggling trying to handle the base classes nevermind how some classes may interact with these soul essences. It would further widen the gap between "lucky players" "skilled players" and "casuals".ComeonYou know you love it!
And if you dont like it, why dont you like it?
I don't like you so I call my degen gang to report give you negative ratings so you can't queue anymore. People have got bans due to mass reporting in the past and still do. System like this won't do anything good. Imagine all the tryhard(especially on NA, judging by the game of the weak thread) reporting anyone who didn't heal them or something. It's just a bad idea to give the community any control over who plays in the bracket and who doesn't.While admittedly I was glib in my response, I'm at a loss as to how a player upvote system will lead to more toxicity issues, and certainly at a loss as to how that systemically compares to recent populist tendencies, especially given that WoW doesn't have a scarcity economy.
If y'all want to take this tangent to the off-topic forum, I'm all ears.
These kinds of "hardcore farming" stuff dont really fly anymore in modern MMOs. In reality, the dev team are already struggling trying to handle the base classes nevermind how some classes may interact with these soul essences. It would further widen the gap between "lucky players" "skilled players" and "casuals".
In theory the 15 000 items may afford counterplay to each other, but remember they have an extremely low droprate which would present a huge problem in a game already ridden with layers of RNG (think of all the borrowed power systems).
Also, these soul essenses do not reward those that play the longest, it seems more like they reward those that are luckiest (like the domination gear + shards in shadowlands). You could have a new player who has barely any idea wtf he is doing in the raid win the 1 in 10000 lottery and acquire the soul and that would be soul crushing to any hardcore player who was carrying him.
You have to remember that a vast majority of the WoW playerbase are casual and already they are complaining about shards and dom gear drop rates, which made some quit. It is easy for us to say fuck the casuals, but the casuals make up most of the sub money.
That is to say, only catering to the hardcore players would make no business sense to Blizzard. It is what happens when any game goes mainstream, and while unfortunate that they have to water down the game, Blizzard would have to make the choice between more money and grow or keep their aging hardcore playerbase. Im sure we know what they chose.