What you would change/remove from WoW

That is to say, only catering to the hardcore players would make no business sense to Blizzard. It is what happens when any game goes mainstream, and while unfortunate that they have to water down the game, Blizzard would have to make the choice between more money and grow or keep their aging hardcore playerbase. Im sure we know what they chose.
While I get what you're going for here (and agree that Dolfies idea is quite silly) I think this fundamentally misses a few things.

WoW was at its best when it was at its most "mainstream". WOTLK was as good as it was popular. It also bears keeping in mind that WoW was consciously designed as the "sell out" easy game. The MMORPG with a low barrier to entry, easy and transparent progression, etc etc etc. WoW was built to be the noobs game.

So I dont think there's too much of a conflict between being popular and being a good, well crafted game. I think WoWs biggest problem is that its almost 20 years old and its become fat and sloppy. Like a former pro athlete gone to farm, its lost what made it great and spent too much time chasing endorsement deals.

It needs to trim down.

But I think it (and we) also need to acknowledge that the player base and gamers in general are looking for a very different experience than we were 20 years ago.

What made WoW work and what made it great on release and through WOTLK is a wholly different formula from what will make it work in the future. Just look at Classic and the discussion we were having a few pages ago. People fundamentally want something different from WoW now than we wanted when it was released. Blizz just hasnt found a way to cater to that yet and I dont envy them having to. It seems impossible. (Largely because the committee of public opinion is a really shitty game designer and they should stop trying to cater to us and just build a game that they'd want to play but thats a whole other rant)
While I get what you're going for here (and agree that Dolfies idea is quite silly) I think this fundamentally misses a few things.

WoW was at its best when it was at its most "mainstream". WOTLK was as good as it was popular. It also bears keeping in mind that WoW was consciously designed as the "sell out" easy game. The MMORPG with a low barrier to entry, easy and transparent progression, etc etc etc. WoW was built to be the noobs game.

So I dont think there's too much of a conflict between being popular and being a good, well crafted game. I think WoWs biggest problem is that its almost 20 years old and its become fat and sloppy. Like a former pro athlete gone to farm, its lost what made it great and spent too much time chasing endorsement deals.

It needs to trim down.

But I think it (and we) also need to acknowledge that the player base and gamers in general are looking for a very different experience than we were 20 years ago.

What made WoW work and what made it great on release and through WOTLK is a wholly different formula from what will make it work in the future. Just look at Classic and the discussion we were having a few pages ago. People fundamentally want something different from WoW now than we wanted when it was released. Blizz just hasnt found a way to cater to that yet and I dont envy them having to. It seems impossible. (Largely because the committee of public opinion is a really shitty game designer and they should stop trying to cater to us and just build a game that they'd want to play but thats a whole other rant)
Yup i fully agree, thats kind of what I'm saying except i worded it poorly.
cmon yall... we all know that my game idea, if it would all be made exactly like that would be the most epic game evar...

Ofcourse i understand it would take a crazy amount of work implementing 15.000 passive bonuses and skills, and things like that. not that they couldnt do it... Pretty easily with the amount of money blizzard has.
Sadly it will not happen anytime soon.

The Builds that could be made in this game would be mind blowing though.. with old legendaries, set bonuses, soul essences, all tweaked for a certain type of build. Would simply be epic.

You would have Naruto like fights.. for example Pain vs Naruto, Summoning huge beasts, moving 300% run speed to run away from incomming atacks, doing all sorts of spells that are ingame now, that sadly only bosses and npc's can use atm. Imagine a duel between 2 players, that are both strong enough to kill an entire raid of players. What those battles would look like.. Mind blowing :)

My idea isnt silly! you are silly if you wouldnt like to play it! Dont be angry!
It's the worst idea for the game I've ever heard.

I dont believe you, i think you would play this game 24/7 Gathering soul essences all the time, thinking of ways to make awesome builds... Sail the seas with your mates and become a world pvp overlord eventually. Yep. im sure.
You would have Naruto like fights.. for example Pain vs Naruto, Summoning huge beasts, moving 300% run speed to run away from incomming atacks, doing all sorts of spells that are ingame now, that sadly only bosses and npc's can use atm. Imagine a duel between 2 players, that are both strong enough to kill an entire raid of players. What those battles would look like.. Mind blowing :)
Remember kids, this is your brain on anime
If those soul essences of yours would be tradeable, it wouldn’t be good for hc gamers, it would be good for whales, who could buy all essences off of AH with real money. Your character’s power would simply be a measurement of your luck, goldfarming and wallet. I have to agree with Goesid, it would be simply bad.
The Builds that could be made in this game would be mind blowing though.. with old legendaries, set bonuses, soul essences, all tweaked for a certain type of build. Would simply be epic.

You would have Naruto like fights.. for example Pain vs Naruto, Summoning huge beasts, moving 300% run speed to run away from incomming atacks, doing all sorts of spells that are ingame now, that sadly only bosses and npc's can use atm. Imagine a duel between 2 players, that are both strong enough to kill an entire raid of players. What those battles would look like.. Mind blowing :)

My idea isnt silly! you are silly if you wouldnt like to play it! Dont be angry!

... actually, that sounds crazy enough to work.

can i by chance borrow your homework idea and make some slight edits for the game i'm whipping up?
tank scaling in pvp is stupid

hidden spec auras are really, really stupid

hidden pvp specific spec auras are incredibly stupid.
If those soul essences of yours would be tradeable, it wouldn’t be good for hc gamers, it would be good for whales, who could buy all essences off of AH with real money. Your character’s power would simply be a measurement of your luck, goldfarming and wallet. I have to agree with Goesid, it would be simply bad.

Ah yeah.. my bad.. p2w is also something that had to be changed obviously. Otherwise it would break this game for sure.
... actually, that sounds crazy enough to work.

can i by chance borrow your homework idea and make some slight edits for the game i'm whipping up?

Yes have it all, and make this game pls :) <3
Tbf everyone thinks its a bad idea.
no. Its an awesome idea. Btw, Glyphs that actually do something should also be brought back. Extra customization.

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