your opinion - Best classes for 49

Spooksters said:
Alright :3 Cool, my friend and I are both leveling 49 enhancement hopefully it'll work out and prove to be worth while, I imagine 2 enhancement shamans who are on vent/coordinating their attacks could do a hell of a lot of damage xD

2 ele shamans would prolly wreck more havock and better burst damage especially since then you could have 2 varying specs (one with ele oath and the other bottom tier talent, and one either lightning overload and w/e else) it would provide some nice nice things.

2 enh shams could be nice, but its RNG dependent on WF procs and crits to drop people. totems help, but imo ele is the stronger spec since 3.1 not to mention you couldnt even cross heal/self heal as well as being ele since mental quickness was moved out of reach in the tree. ele gear isnt hard either, green dragonscale set, and the rest is pretty much dungeon gear
Cross healing as well as pumping out great damage is definitely the plus for elemental shamans. Elemental has a much better sustained mana pool for healing, not to mention the spellpower to do so.
I got a friend on my realm, he's fully perfectly geared Elemental Shaman, he's just missing professions, and he can do anyone 1v1 on our Battlegroup, he may lose sometimes against priests, warrs or rogues tho, but that's rare. maybe Elemental would definitely be worth a try xD How...inferior is alliance vs horde elemental wise without BoA's (I guess all I can't get is the sweet iLevel 60 dagger, right?)
One thing to think about is that don't worry about rogues when looking at these classes. People will say X class loses to rogues, but truth to tell a well played rogue beats anyone 1v1 at this level if they use cds. They jsut have too much control and most classes dont have their outs yet.

Between Cheapshot, kidney shot, gouge(specially improved), vanish, blind, and sprint. You jsut can't beat a great one with out help.
Rapt0R said:
But yeah, rogues and shammies are pretty equal. It's just rare you meet skilled rogues.

rogues are miles away more OP than shaman. stealth alone tips it in favor of rogues. not to mention the ability to stun lock an opponent the entire fight and control every aspect of combat. sure there are a lot more fail rogues than skilled ones, but same goes for shaman...and both can be played by noobs - either 2 shot rogues or bind SS to every button and hope to win shaman.
For example, it is very hard for a rogue to beat Warlocks (/w soul link), Disc Priests. May have trouble with Arms if you are not fast enough.

While Shammies can just faceroll any class. The guy I'm talking about (Seleucidis), he even backpeddles, and still can faceroll almost anyone. Ele shammies are just OP class, like DKs at 59.
I don't have issues with shammys :p. Then again I can heal myself about as much as they do :).
sandypufpuff said:
How do you kite a shammy that has tremor totem, frost shock and ghost wolf, they are faster then u?

Cuz once their stoneclaw shield wears out, they're going to be taking damage fast enough (while you self-heal fast enough) that the odds are very much against them.
Rapt0R said:
Rather, the shaman is terrible in that situation when you kite him.

I'm not a big fan of theorycrafting, but in this case an equally geared/skilled lock will beat an ele shammy most of the time. Hell, the shammy will likely die in a spell lock if he tries to cast. Shocks all have a magic debuff that the lock can devour. No ele worth a shit would try to cast a 2 sec ghost wolf against a lock (really there's pretty much no reason). Your only real chance is to get good enough burst once their CDs are used (DC, HS, spell lock). Good luck living that long. If they're SL/Destro then just afk.
top of the list hands down is enhancment shaman.

then a hunter.

then a shadow priest.

rogue, prot warrior or warrior in general, healer specs, elemental shammy's, and locks are all very strong but you go 1vs1 against those classes and you are most likely to lose.

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