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Spooksters said:Alright :3 Cool, my friend and I are both leveling 49 enhancement shamans...so hopefully it'll work out and prove to be worth while, I imagine 2 enhancement shamans who are on vent/coordinating their attacks could do a hell of a lot of damage xD
2 ele shamans would prolly wreck more havock and better burst damage especially since then you could have 2 varying specs (one with ele oath and the other bottom tier talent, and one either lightning overload and w/e else) it would provide some nice nice things.
2 enh shams could be nice, but its RNG dependent on WF procs and crits to drop people. totems help, but imo ele is the stronger spec since 3.1 not to mention you couldnt even cross heal/self heal as well as being ele since mental quickness was moved out of reach in the tree. ele gear isnt hard either, green dragonscale set, and the rest is pretty much dungeon gear