your opinion - Best classes for 49

I'm logged in my Affliction set if you need some glass cannon ideas. There's only two or so pieces I'd change (OH to Shadow's Wrath mainly), but it's fairly balanced with pretty balls deep shadow damage.

Alkaholic said:
LOL, how much is that dot?

1045-1155 over 15 sec, not dispellable, 50% proc chance and 45sec internal CD. so proc it and swap back to BoA/what have you.
Falkor said:
make sure you get enchanted felbane dagger with black magic for extra lulz since you're horde rite.

That theory has been discussed into the ground and the conclusion is still the same....

waiste of time.

While it sounds great in theory and principle in execution extremely lackluster an a waiste of time.

Bu try it...... pretty much everyone who has doesn't bother anymore.
Alkaholic said:
Definitely not Krymore...Sup homie, u back in Australia? I'm lvl 46 now...

Hey brother!!! Yes I am horrible :(

Yeah I landed back in Australia Tuesday morning. Still trying to get used to the time difference.

Its weird how the country I grew up in feels so foreign to me now...... I want to go back to Canada.. but I can't yet!! :(
Falkor said:
1045-1155 over 15 sec, not dispellable, 50% proc chance and 45sec internal CD. so proc it and swap back to BoA/what have you.

In a 1v1 situation, I could see this as viable.

In a PvP/BG situation, I'm using every global, dodging warriors charging me, paladins stunning me, rogues jumping me... watching for Black magic to proc on someone is just out of the question. If watching for a black magic proc while pvping is what you're doing then you're doing it wrong.
Taitaih said:
In a 1v1 situation, I could see this as viable.

In a PvP/BG situation, I'm using every global, dodging warriors charging me, paladins stunning me, rogues jumping me... watching for Black magic to proc on someone is just out of the question. If watching for a black magic proc while pvping is what you're doing then you're doing it wrong.


This is exactly why!

Gosh I wish you were a woman........ the amazing children we could have.
rogues are fun if you like to two-shot clothies. >:)
This kinda degernated from the OP, but my two cents is go ret paly and enhance shammy for dual classes, but if one of you wants to be a healer go Holy paly enhance.

Everyone thinks they are kiteable, but not sure why, Imp Ghost Wolf means that with run increase boots you are as fast or faster then anyone(faster then people with out run increase) and thats with CCs on you. You hit them with FS and no one can run from you.

Even mages with frost nova arent a problem. Say they do the FN blink combo to get away from you, drop a grounding totem and wind shear their first cast. Totem will eat fire blast or any other instant and they will have done 0 dmg the whole time.

With ret paly this class really shines cause the combination of AoW procs for FoL if one of u needs or Exorcism if not, allows for great burst betweent he two of you. Don't think any other two classes could take down this combo, burst will kill one person even before a healer can heal and between purge and cleanse you guys are set.

Here is an armory of the gear i collected and specced for 49. A lot of it is shit mixed with BoA but I could take on groups of 3-4 solo and not have to worry too much. Only problem solo was ambush rogues if trinket/Gift of the Naruu were both on cd. basically you could get way better gear, but if possible I reccomend those maces. They wreck face at every lvl and at 51 they are better then the BiS twink gear from 59
You posted a very broad question, and the truth is, there is no best class at 49.

Solo, there are some classes that will stand out, but just cause mages are easy to beat as a warlock, doesn't mean that mage will not bring anything useful in a group situation (Best CC, burst damage.)

Some specs already have their meat and potatoes of their spec, so some are better off than others (ex.Ret Paladins, or Affliction Warlocks)

And some specs are not complete or viable yet (ex.Fury Warrior, Feral/Resto Druid, Demonology Warlock.)

And finally some specs just don't get much benefit from gear like at 80. I'm not very big on 80s anything, but Resto Druids are a pain in the @ss to kill. In addition to not having lifebloom, they also are missing out on that healthy resilience that eases up some pressure if they get out of an animal form.

So to answer your question: Not all specs are perfect, but a good chunk of them are fine for now. All classes have at least one good, viable spec in this bracket. Choose something you enjoy. But if I had to make one twink, I would make a paladin. They can FC, Heal and Damage if you spec correctly and get the right gear, and their plate armor really puts it in another league. But paladins bore me, despite their power. Choose what you enjoy.
sandypufpuff said:
This kinda degernated from the OP, but my two cents is go ret paly and enhance shammy for dual classes, but if one of you wants to be a healer go Holy paly enhance.

Everyone thinks they are kiteable, but not sure why, Imp Ghost Wolf means that with run increase boots you are as fast or faster then anyone(faster then people with out run increase) and thats with CCs on you. You hit them with FS and no one can run from you.

Even mages with frost nova arent a problem. Say they do the FN blink combo to get away from you, drop a grounding totem and wind shear their first cast. Totem will eat fire blast or any other instant and they will have done 0 dmg the whole time.

With ret paly this class really shines cause the combination of AoW procs for FoL if one of u needs or Exorcism if not, allows for great burst betweent he two of you. Don't think any other two classes could take down this combo, burst will kill one person even before a healer can heal and between purge and cleanse you guys are set.

Here is an armory of the gear i collected and specced for 49. A lot of it is shit mixed with BoA but I could take on groups of 3-4 solo and not have to worry too much. Only problem solo was ambush rogues if trinket/Gift of the Naruu were both on cd.

The World of Warcraft Armory basically you could get way better gear, but if possible I reccomend those maces. They wreck face at every lvl and at 51 they are better then the BiS twink gear from 59

Enhance is no longer nearly the faceroll class it used to be. Sure ghostwolf got buffed but you are still completely rng-dependant for burst. There's a reason 90% of shammies are now elemental (mine included).

Retadins have also had their burst severely reduced. Once again, they can no longer faceroll most classes like they did pre-3.2. Still a good class, but not the best.

Also, BOA maces are crap for shammies since the only viable enchants are crusader or 15 agil. Ribsplitters with mongoose ftw.
Hmm, I keep hearing about enhancement shamans being poopeh now - are they really THAT bad? I am currently leveling one up, and I have a lot of gear ready to go (2 ribsplitters w/ mongoose included) - but am I wasting my time? I much prefer melee, but I might have to give elemental a try... Are enhancement shamans completely inferior now? Or just not as OP as they used to be? :3 /scurrd
Being able to both frost shock and wind shear on demand has definitely helped enhance against casters. They're no longer thefaceroll class of 49s but they're not the weakest either
Taitaih said:
Being able to both frost shock and wind shear on demand has definitely helped enhance against casters. They're no longer thefaceroll class of 49s but they're not the weakest either

This is what I was saying. By no means are they worthless, but there are plenty of counters to them: rogues, prot warriors, sl locks, hunters (most specs). Good luck beating any of those. You're still 100% rng-dependant against all classes. Except mages, you should be able to beat them 90% of the time.
Alright :3 Cool, my friend and I are both leveling 49 enhancement hopefully it'll work out and prove to be worth while, I imagine 2 enhancement shamans who are on vent/coordinating their attacks could do a hell of a lot of damage xD

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