your opinion - Best classes for 49

Nait said:
Alright guys I figured it out. I'm going to have my wife make a new holy pally. Then level up my 38 fully twinked lock to 49 in the XP BG bracket along the way with her pally.

Now I just need to research the best lv 49 healing pally and lock gear.

Thanks for all your help with the classes.

I am really interesed if more discussions on lv 49 classes. I am thinking of leveling my 29 warr to 49 eventually too, but it would take awhile. Why are Prot warriors good at 49? I would think arms would be the way to go all the time.

for pallys look up Notoriousbop, Crouchley, and Bearyblack for starters.

for locks look up the guy who posted in here if you're going to do SL/SL

morganism is another great lock (looks like he's destro atm but has an afflic/demo as dual spec)

prot warriors are good b/c concussion blow, shield slam and revenge can crit for over 1k (and heroic strike gets close too). also revenge has 50% chance to stun when talented. with talents and gear you get great survivability, avoidance and mitigation and can still hit like a truck. you can choose to go defensive prot and stack stam and tank stats to run flags/but unkillable or go offensive and wear a mix of arms/fury gear but have a solid 1h + shield and spec prot. with high strength your core abilities will hit very hard and you are still hard to take down. prot does have some rage gen issuse though, and after playing with juggernaut it is VERY hard to play w/o it.

@ugarak. mages have always been as good as the player behind them. Abstracted is one of the best pvpers in my battlegroup and is a mage. he has pretty much mastered the class. knows when to fight, when to run (which is a lot, lol) when to use what CD, etc. it has a pretty high learning curve, its not all poly and pryo trust me, but it can be rewarding when you are a pro.
My lock [char=Dragonmaw]Mepoont[/char] - fairly balanced aff gear. Missing ban'thok sash, cyclopean band, and maybe necromancer leggings. You can also use pyric caduceus for a wand.
Alkaholic said:
Mages require 3 times the skill to be as efficient.


i wouldnt do it unless you want an uphill battle. takes a while to get enough skills to effectively pay the bills.
I would have to agree, the mage class in pvp has probably one of the hardest learning curves of all classes to be played effectively and efficiently. You can either be really good, or really bad. Most people end up getting frustrated with the class before ever going through completely with a twink. That is one class I have yet to make a twink of, I heard horror stories from my friend who had a 60 mage in vanilla, he was damn good at pvp, but when it came down too it they're just too squishy imo...

Hmm krymore's gear isn't much different than mine, just has chan's (I prefer the SP for aff) and he's spec'd SL/SL which I'll probably eventually dabble in.
wow, thanks guys for all the help. I will look up these guys to figure out what gear i want.

speaking of mages, my main was descent at 49, as well geared as I could get him back then. It was the first pvp experience i ever had lol. still could do some dmg but he did take awhile to master. Then after TBC and slow(which i was always arcane anyways) it got easier to pvp. now arcane seems even better than before. Prob going to BG my mage at 79 for a long while ,especually now that i can run instances and not get XP.

i know a mage would be great DPS at 49 but the lack of mana would bug me alot, since it really bugs me on my main.
I personally have always enjoyed a mage for twinking and endgame pvp. My main is Yert on Frostmane, and mages in terms of the skill required to learn a mage came naturally to me as I enjoy playing the "GLASS CANNON RAWR!" so to speak..
Alkaholic said:
U guys differ on 6 slots. I'd say that's pretty different. Plus he has 700 more HP.

I was only stating that there were quite a few similarities in gear and in that way not much different, but again you're trying to make a dick statement. I can be like you, Plus I have 26 more SP than him, whoop-di-do, it's a different spec. His talents into demo are the reason why he has that much more HP than I do, + few extra stam from gear.

His- BoA Shoulders (not much difference from Kentic Amice if you lack BoAs, more stam, less int, more spi [spi is trash]), Chan's Imperial Robes (more stam, no sp, obviously using them because of SL spec for the added stam from demo talents), Umbral Crystal (more stam less sp, less int), Atal'ai gloves (more stam, less sp), Necromancer Leggings (more stam, less SP), underworld band (more stam, again Demo spec)

Mine- Kentic Amice, Grimlok's Tribal Vestments (less stam, more sp, again affliction not SL/SL), Enthralled Sphere (more sp, more int, again affliction), Gloves of the Dune (less stam, more SP), Deathmage Sash (from 39s, total crap, haven't had a ban'thok drop yet), Shadoweave Pants (less stam, more SP, I have like 3 pairs of necromancers laying around, really didn't feel like losing the sp for minor stam increase)
You made very nice choice. I am sure your wife will enjoy playing female dwarf paladin :D... Here are some facts so I can leave home very calm:

1. Best single target healer is paladin and he can survive very well

2. Hardest class to play in PVP is mage (it doesn't matter if you are lvl 49, 70 or 80)

3. As rogue you can ambush and vanish it is true, but not a big deal if you are targeting twink with 3k HP or more... should I mention healers and ppl with 4k+ armor?

4. Shaman could be very easy to play, but I don't prefer ench since survivability is very low if not supported by your team.

5. Locks are nasty too! Affliction is pain in the a...

6. Many more things, but I will stop here.

I hope you will make paladin healer... you will not make a mistake. :D

Maerduk said:
I was only stating that there were quite a few similarities in gear and in that way not much different, but again you're trying to make a dick statement.
Jesus, I'm not trying to start drama or be a dick. I responded to the OP's request for profiles. I said Krymore had perfect SL gear, u posted after saying, "Meh, We basically have the same gear except for chans." I think, "Uhhh, ok, this isn't an e-peen stroking competition" but when i go and see u have like 6 slots that are different for SL spec. I comment that those profiles aren't really that close and the best u can say is 26 spell damage is equivalent to 700 hp and he gets it from his spec. Gratz on those 26 spell dmg, that alone is better than 500 HP difference that didn't come from his spec...
make sure you get enchanted felbane dagger with black magic for extra lulz since you're horde rite.

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