"Your game of the week" thread.

Nowdays i really dont care about scoreboard. As feral i learned, its not the numbers. Its where you are and what you do. On board i have 17 kb. Minimal damage compared to hunt lock war etc. But when i strike, they die. So "cant" (wont be number wh..) dot all and run. Then again, im healing more than some healers as feral. Its so mixed (classes) atm scoreboard does not make sense. But i might have some shots from MoP. Something like wsg 80 - 0 lock farming solo gy.
Nowdays i really dont care about scoreboard. As feral i learned, its not the numbers. Its where you are and what you do. On board i have 17 kb. Minimal damage compared to hunt lock war etc. But when i strike, they die. So "cant" (wont be number wh..) dot all and run. Then again, im healing more than some healers as feral. Its so mixed (classes) atm scoreboard does not make sense. But i might have some shots from MoP. Something like wsg 80 - 0 lock farming solo gy.

idk, if it was a fun game go ahead and throw it up here and explain the sweet heal that you threw in a pivitol moment to turn a fight or whatever, it doesn't have to be about score board. This is my favorite thread on this forum because its just people posting about things that they had fun with so imo just post your stuff anyway and write a little story to go w it. ;)
Intense 2v2 gaming - Wizkidone goes down!


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Nowdays i really dont care about scoreboard. As feral i learned, its not the numbers. Its where you are and what you do. On board i have 17 kb. Minimal damage compared to hunt lock war etc. But when i strike, they die. So "cant" (wont be number wh..) dot all and run. Then again, im healing more than some healers as feral. Its so mixed (classes) atm scoreboard does not make sense. But i might have some shots from MoP. Something like wsg 80 - 0 lock farming solo gy.

That is what I have noticed playing Frost you an do 150k in random frost damage by just wandering around the map, but only have 7 killing blows because you have zero "executes" and zero burst (at least at the i34 power level, no idea what it's like with an i49 butt plug - I would assume it takes Obliterate high enough to where its worth using the runes on).

It's annoying, however I just accepted that much damage is taxing heals at least and you can still be semi-useful with chains of ice, etc.
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That is what I have noticed playing Frost you an do 150k in random frost damage by just wandering around the map, but only have 7 killing blows because you have zero "executes" and zero burst (at least at the i34 power level, no idea what it's like with an i49 butt plug - I would assume it takes Obliterate high enough to where its worth using the runes on).

It's annoying, however I just accepted that much damage is taxing heals at least and you can still be semi-useful with chains of ice, etc.
I played against your DK the other day and could not get away from you in my druids speed set, was fkn frustrating!

Haha have also done some games with you…. I much prefer having you on my team, mad damage. In fact iam pretty sure you are going to make a cameo in the new video.
That is what I have noticed playing Frost you an do 150k in random frost damage by just wandering around the map, but only have 7 killing blows because you have zero "executes" and zero burst (at least at the i34 power level, no idea what it's like with an i49 butt plug - I would assume it takes Obliterate high enough to where its worth using the runes on).

It's annoying, however I just accepted that much damage is taxing heals at least and you can still be semi-useful with chains of ice, etc.

Yeah I have seen your Naxxramer in a few games now with Docadin. Always solid dmg. With those numbers I am sure it puts allot of pressure on healers. I have no doubt that it is effective. It does seem a bit boring though. Feels like it would seem p auto pilot aside from pulls an slows.

Edit: I am actually pretty sure I saved a screen shot of a game w you In it that thought of posting here. Ill see about throwing it up later.
Yeah I have seen your Naxxramer in a few games now with Docadin. Always solid dmg. With those numbers I am sure it puts allot of pressure on healers. I have no doubt that it is effective. It does seem a bit boring though. Feels like it would seem p auto pilot aside from pulls an slows.

Edit: I am actually pretty sure I saved a screen shot of a game w you In it that thought of posting here. Ill see about throwing it up later.

You have no idea how many times I had to yell at the shit melee on my team to leave you alone after I deathgrip you and chains and I run off so you will actually die instead of them just letting you generate holy power. :D

I downplay it a lot, I do feel like the DK has enough tools that seriously impact things (as opposed to some random slows)... the 4 second stun on winter, the interrupt, and deathgrip can just shut down a healer for longer than any other toon can *I think*.
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That is what I have noticed playing Frost you an do 150k in random frost damage by just wandering around the map, but only have 7 killing blows because you have zero "executes" and zero burst (at least at the i34 power level, no idea what it's like with an i49 butt plug - I would assume it takes Obliterate high enough to where its worth using the runes on).

It's annoying, however I just accepted that much damage is taxing heals at least and you can still be semi-useful with chains of ice, etc.
I run moon kitty. So i stay at 40yd, get full combo points, then i heal all untill mana oom and energy up. Then wapam 300-1.2k ferocoius on healer, warstomp and nuke. Not quite execute.. but damn those kb. Not many ferals do this, but i find it amusing and effective. Or im running flag. Sry double edit, mobile be mobile.
I run moon kitty. So i stay at 40yd, get full combo points, then i heal all untill mana oom and energy up. Then wapam 300-1.2k ferocoius on healer, warstomp and nuke. Not quite execute.. but damn those kb. Not many ferals do this, but i find it amusing and effective. Or im running flag. Sry double edit, mobile be mobile.

"At the i34 power level" : Yeah, there is none of that 1k burst shit... I mean, you can use Obliterate, but then you have no runes and can do basically zero support. Even if you stack strength or buy some Mastery build for Frost damage and even with Inexorable Assault Obliterate damage is still comical... and it's worthlessness is also compounded by the fact that as above, it leaves you able to do none of the things you should be concerned about as a DK in the 20s.

Don't get me wrong I'll blow all 6 runes on Blits and then Frost strike a healer twice IF I think it will kill them.

I just don't like crusader on the DK... 1) If everybody is lit up with Howling Blast... then you get a crusader proc... the original Howling Blast does not go up... it is what it is when you cast it. 2) Crusader forces you to use Obliterate which is your weakest ability and the most taxing.

I've been in several BGs where the fights are sporadic and other DKs will do more or the same then use that to justify Crusader... then we get to the maps where there are more group fights... just having the strength already gemmed and elemental force IMO just takes my HBs off into mega-damage-land. Or we get into fights where CC is more important and they underperform because they have to use Obliterate to get crusader procs, other wise their damage is comical.

That being said, if I was using a 2 hander, I'd probably use crusader just because 1 elemental force is not enough... then again, I'd probably be edgy and just use Major Striking.

Also, as you can see naxxrammer got the "F level" twink treatment as far as gear was concerned.
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1) If everybody is lit up with Howling Blast... then you get a crusader proc... the original Howling Blast does not go up... it is what it is when you cast it.

Dots used to work like this, but they do not anymore. They real time update to your stats so if you have crusader proc all dmg dots are updated without having to reapply them.

2) Crusader forces you to use Obliterate which is your weakest ability and the most taxing.

100% accurate, obliterate just feels bad to use. Because how runes regenerate, in a fight most of the time you have 3 runes to work w at a time and obli take 2/3 of your resources to do pretty unimpressive dmg. Then you either throw out a Howling blast or have 1 slow. I wanted to make a feverflare build to see if i could get rune generation to feel better, i am not far enough along to really tell if it is possible yet tho.

Edit: to clarify, I think that duel eleforce is a viable alternative. It limits your melee but even w sader procs, other classes are just walking away w the amount fo dmg they can do in melee anyways. The duel ele allows you to be more efficient w keeping runes up for repeat slows and shit.
Dots used to work like this, but they do not anymore. They real time update to your stats so if you have crusader proc all dmg dots are updated without having to reapply them.

100% accurate, obliterate just feels bad to use. Because how runes regenerate, in a fight most of the time you have 3 runes to work w at a time and obli take 2/3 of your resources to do pretty unimpressive dmg. Then you either throw out a Howling blast or have 1 slow. I wanted to make a feverflare build to see if i could get rune generation to feel better, i am not far enough along to really tell if it is possible yet tho.

Edit: to clarify, I think that duel eleforce is a viable alternative. It limits your melee but even w sader procs, other classes are just walking away w the amount fo dmg they can do in melee anyways. The duel ele allows you to be more efficient w keeping runes up for repeat slows and shit.

I'm just not seeing that... if I cast HB it does X damage... get a crusader it still says the original X... unless the tips just don't show it.

I don't know what the haste would have to be, but it would have to be high... I mean you would almost need it high enough so you could get 4 obliterates in a row, not sure what your obliterate damage would be tho if you are not stacking strength... it would be bad.

Just seems to me every thing is a catch22 on a DK.
Im getting definitive dmg increase on proc, same when it runs down and the tick is still active. my frost dot ticking 78 when sader procs 118, while sader is active, then back to 78 as soon as the buff drops. might be a tooltip bug?

If you have over 200 str, and over 200 stam would gargoyles be viable for a obliteration de-prioritized 2h chant? 10+str/stam and 5% armor isnt bad.

I am going to re-make my DK on my other acct so i can try it w 2 hellscream 1hs i think.
Im getting definitive dmg increase on proc, same when it runs down and the tick is still active. my frost dot ticking 78 when sader procs 118, while sader is active, then back to 78 as soon as the buff drops. might be a tooltip bug?

If you have over 200 str, and over 200 stam would gargoyles be viable for a obliteration de-prioritized 2h chant? 10+str/stam and 5% armor isnt bad.

I am going to re-make my DK on my other acct so i can try it w 2 hellscream 1hs i think.

for just raw damage on all abilities +4 weapon damage is pretty hard to beat, I was working on that with the adamantite 3 piece bonus just to see how it would work, might go back to it.

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