XP Block turned off


Today something really strange happened to my lvl15 hunter.

A few days ago I turned off the XP with lvl15 in order to queue up for deadmines and ragefire chasm randomly for the right belt and cloak (of the bandit).

During the dungeon the XP block turned off (dont ask me how, I have no idea...) and I did not recognized it that I was gaining xp.

After we killed the boss I get a lvlup... I thought ffs how did that happened?!

I talked to a GM, he set XP off again but he wasn't able to find out how and why that happened.

I did not even had enough money to reset the XP block.

Just wanted to tell u guys, I know this is f2p but maybe u got a lvl29 or what ever twink and something like that happen to u too.
It seems like I overheard in Vent last night that a similar thing happened to Sabe? At least that's what I thought I heard; I was busy in AB at the time. Also a F2P account, so there's a commonality. Does Sabe ever post on these forums?
Check Yasueh's macros and addons for F2P for an addon that should warn if this happens again.

Sabe mentioned in chat that the GM he talked to asked about the addons he was using. The only function available to addon writers that is related to the XP lock feature is 'IsXPUserDisabled()', which can only read the status of the XP lock. We have no way to turn it on or off. Addons should have no way to influence the XP lock, but then this is Blizzard we're talking about, and the addon API that they developed has plenty of faults in it.

As another example of Bliz not putting much effort into making the xp lock feature work, I had a level 10 that was a couple of XP short of dinging 11, and had somehow become XP unlocked with a patch. The new Org. design included xp for discovering the new areas, so I asked a GM if they could lock my XP without me having to walk to the NPC.

When they used the xp locking tool with which they have been provided, that tool dinged my character.

They did appologise profusely though, mailed all the soulbound items to a freshly rolled level 1 (including several items only available at level 10), and even gave me a free paid service of my choice as compensation. All of this under the guidance of a senior GM.
By partying with a level 15 you guarantee that LFD will give you RFC, which is quick to do when everyone else in the party is nearly a L20 twink.
I just wanted to avoid making wailing caverns again and again and again just for the right cloak/belt at 20.

The instance is far too long for my taste.
More likely they f-ed up and that's their excuse.

There is no reason whatsoever to stop F2Ps from locking XP. It's not like it can be used for anything overly useful to an F2P, short of getting into BGs where you have a slightly smaller level disadvantage than you do against 24s.

Once again, Blizzard are c***s. Fuck-em. I'm levelling my P2P bank alt to 15 and locking it's XP.
Ok, seems like u can no longer block gaining xp as a f2p, they recently hotfixed it...

I think this is foreshadowing of some changes coming to F2P. We all know Blizz doesn't like twinks. They are removing low level F2P twinks with this. Next they will be limiting Battlegrounds for F2P...hopefully not.
I think this is foreshadowing of some changes coming to F2P. We all know Blizz doesn't like twinks. They are removing low level F2P twinks with this. Next they will be limiting Battlegrounds for F2P...hopefully not.

It's not that blizzard doesn't like twinks, it's their creation, but it's more about blizzard not caring about low level pvp and having no intention to fix low level pvp in the near future
The same just happened to me. I log in, exp-off. Join bg queue, zone in, BAM exp bar appears.

A GM said I should go to an NPC to have it off again and that he's not aware of any such changes having been made recently. EU GMs are usually pretty uninformed though.

Needing more confirmation on what happens if you do lock your exp again and then join a group.
I saw this thread and logged onto my exp locked 19 warrior. Standing at the exp lock npc, and making sure my exp is in fact locked. Joined a dungeon and bam it is on. I don't have the gold to lock it again.
So xp-blocked chars now are in the xp-on bracket?

No I don't think so, but it would be cool tho (no 24 twinkors).

When u reach lvl20 ur xp is automatically locked, so u stay in the xp-off-bracket.

I saw this thread and logged onto my exp locked 19 warrior. Standing at the exp lock npc, and making sure my exp is in fact locked. Joined a dungeon and bam it is on. I don't have the gold to lock it again.

I dont think that every GM is aware of that xp block issue for f2p.

I recommend making a GM ticket, they paid me 10g more than once for that.


Needing more confirmation on what happens if you do lock your exp again and then join a group.

I talked to 3 GMs today. The first one turned off xp by logging into my char (I should log into another char). I

The 2nd said I had to log out a few minutes and everything should be fine.

The 3rd send me twice 10g so that i can turn off xp my self. He also waited 5minutes until a rnd dungeoninvite popped up.

So in total I turned off XP 4 times and everytime I joined a dungeon the xp block was resetted....

The 3rd GM also said, that a f2p char should have never been able turn off xp...

This sucks really, espeacially if u have a lvl19 twink. I wanted to go lvl20 anyway, but now I have to farm my cloak in wailing caverns *puke*

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