TheLastJedi Veteran Sep 13, 2019 #1 Selling Scouting Gloves of the Eagle 4/4 , Farelina Server US Msg me on Thelastjedi or on here looking for 10g
Selling Scouting Gloves of the Eagle 4/4 , Farelina Server US Msg me on Thelastjedi or on here looking for 10g
Vehemity OG Sep 13, 2019 #2 Gloves aren't that rare tbh. Have 4 in the bank, they were all 50s or less. Maybe in a few months time though.
Gloves aren't that rare tbh. Have 4 in the bank, they were all 50s or less. Maybe in a few months time though.
OP OP TheLastJedi Veteran Sep 14, 2019 #4 I might just have to wait for BG to get these off for few gold
Twinkmkfour OG Sep 16, 2019 #5 you are retarded if you think they are worth anymore then 50s even once bgs are released. if you're on faerlina and want these, just wait until a leveler sells them for nothing on the AH.
you are retarded if you think they are worth anymore then 50s even once bgs are released. if you're on faerlina and want these, just wait until a leveler sells them for nothing on the AH.
Purfected Grandfathered Sep 23, 2019 #6 The high pop servers have immensely more players on them than original vanilla Twink items, especially in the 19 bracket are not rare at all because more players means more drops. saw literally 12 pairs of feet of the lynx on the horde AH on Faerlina. and there is always 3-4 shadowfangs on the AH as well
The high pop servers have immensely more players on them than original vanilla Twink items, especially in the 19 bracket are not rare at all because more players means more drops. saw literally 12 pairs of feet of the lynx on the horde AH on Faerlina. and there is always 3-4 shadowfangs on the AH as well