
Warriors lack an interrupt so we certainly aren't killing a healer solo

Whats charging a cast or even better, double charging?

Before I xplain the roll of your class I think you need to tack down basic game mechanics.

It'll just overload you with information and you will be unable to process it.
lol poor Drfgt, he wouldn't know skill if he tripped over it.
warriors hit so hard,
My MS / Slam hit for 200 non crit. 400 crit. They're also heavily pwned by armor. I fail to see how this is "so hard"
reduce healing which is more broken than the damage
, 25% reduced healing is useful but doesn't warrant a nerf by any means. Also 25% healing does very little against the heals which already hit extremely hard.
have great ToT
to this I say cant tell if trolling or just stupid. Assuming we don't lose tot due to you running left and right, which even good players do, almost every other class has a CC, a slow, faster move speed or what have you. I could break it down further but you know just about every class probably more than me. Travel form ghost wolf holypower frost nova blink concussive shot etc. Rogues have High dodge
and can interupt multiple times with charges.
.You can interrupt once per 12 seconds, Or once per 20 seconds,(except twice the first time) and requires you stopping your damage to run off to the side and charge, which isn't always possible mind you.
they can effectively interrupt more than a rogue can at 19 now, and put out more damage AND reduce healing.. warriors are GOOD.
Rogues do better damage & better burst. Rogues have stealth too, which is amazing. Rogues also have CC. Rogues have good survivability CDs.
balance damage is a bit over the top, but can be locked down quite easily .
. a bit over the top is an extreme understatement. Locked down? not quite
warriors are as good in mid especially if you have two of them sitting on the same target.
I don't know how to respond to this. Double any class on the same target does a lot of damage. Are you saying it takes two warriors to equal one of any other class?
ferals can hit for 1500 and need a nerf more than balance. rogues 5 points can hit for 800 as well and there ambush can crit open for 800 into hemo spam into 5 points which is another 800.. yet warriors can sit on targets much easier than rogues and put out equal if not more damage while reducing healing...
I think you overestimate the reduced healing. even with the reduced healing a warrior CANNOT solo a healer under normal conditions. All specs of druids need a nerf, but none are recieveing it, and one is even getting a buff.
even with the reduced healing a warrior CANNOT solo a healer under normal conditions. All specs of druids need a nerf, but none are recieveing it, and one is even getting a buff.

and warriors are alone in this?

a balance druid cant kill a healer either
Thread cleaned. Please keep things on topic and constructive.
Whats charging a cast or even better, double charging?

Before I xplain the roll of your class I think you need to tack down basic game mechanics.

It'll just overload you with information and you will be unable to process it.
Charing a cast is a double edged sword
We just gave up our anti-kite ability to inerrupt one heal. However the difference between a Charge interrupt and a traditional interrupt is charge lasts 1.5 seconds which means you can get in ONE ability before they start casting again. Also several of the heals are instant cast atm.

I'd love to see this unique role warriors have, but if you keep saying I can't handle it I'll just assume you're trolling
You are pigeon holing your class into 1v1 scenarios which this game is not balanced around. In a group fight 2 short stuns on top of a 25% ms are extremely potent and valuable to a team.
and warriors are alone in this?

a balance druid cant kill a healer either
I've seen balance druids solo healers before. If you time your burst correctly
but lets say I'm wrong and there no chance they can solo a healer, they do phenomenal damage and it's spread out (moonfire/sunfire each target etc) Which means a healer is going to have a hard time keeping everyone alive
I've seen balance druids solo healers before. If you time your burst correctly
but lets say I'm wrong and there no chance they can solo a healer, they do phenomenal damage and it's spread out (moonfire/sunfire each target etc) Which means a healer is going to have a hard time keeping everyone alive

There is no such thing as timing when you have no interupts
You are pigeon holing your class into 1v1 scenarios which this game is not balanced around. In a group fight 2 short stuns on top of a 25% ms are extremely potent and valuable to a team.
You are assuming every warrior specs double time.
Also, I'd rather just have another bursty damage dealer than 25% MS.
Also since you haven't even mentioned we're the only source of sunders I will.
Warriors are cool and all on a premade, but When I'm solo or duo-queing I get farmed @GY by 4-8 Druids, mostly balance
lol this guy went from complaining about the warrior class to complaining about the game in general. Heh, jesus.
There is no such thing as timing when you have no interupts
What do you mean?
If I have two abilities that both do 800 damage and I use them 3 seconds apart rather than back to back there's no timing involved there? I think we're misunderstanding eachother
By time your burst I simply mean you do a combo back to back before they have chance to even cast a heal etc.
You are assuming every warrior specs double time.
Also, I'd rather just have another bursty damage dealer than 25% MS.
Also since you haven't even mentioned we're the only source of sunders I will.
Warriors are cool and all on a premade, but When I'm solo or duo-queing I get farmed @GY by 4-8 Druids, mostly balance
O ok so this is simply a rage thread you don't actually care about game balance you just want to 1v1 balance druids?
lol this guy went from complaining about the warrior class to complaining about the game in general. Heh, jesus.
You've provided NO good feedback this entire time

I started this thread as a
I can't believe they're buffing balance and nerfing Warriors, it's like they don't care about low level pvp at all thread
also as a place to vent my frustrations
O ok so this is simply a rage thread you don't actually care about game balance you just want to 1v1 balance druids?
Warriors are bad and getting nerfed while druids are OP and getting buffed
I was just saying that
But then suddenly all you people who don't play warriors jump in and say Oh their OP (what a joke) so I'm defending myself from the entire community.
I'm giving examples, not every example has to be a 10v10 ventrilo premade scenario to become valid.
You've provided NO good feedback this entire time

I started this thread as a
I can't believe they're buffing balance and nerfing Warriors, it's like they don't care about low level pvp at all thread
also as a place to vent my frustrations

Warriors got buffed since Cata. Get over yourself.

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