Franchi said:
Let's say he is going too far. (I don't personally know, but I'll assume he is just to speed this up.) How is calling him out on the forums going to make things better?Willyshatner said:I don't remember seeing such a post. However, it's understandable that you're frustrated with something like that. I'm frustrated that I have to keep talking about him too. The guys behavior in vent, in game, and on the forums is downright ridiculous. He's a douche bag and it would benefit everyone if one of the following happened:
1. Dont learned how to treat people with dignity and respect, especially if they aren't his mirror image in game.
2. Dont sought professional help about his issues and worked to resolve them.
3. Dont stopped playing 29s completely.
Outside of that, you're going to have at least one person a week commenting on how atrocious his company is, and the negative impact it's having on the bracket.
Mongro said:Please grow up.
Mongro said:Let's say he is going too far. (I don't personally know, but I'll assume he is just to speed this up.) How is calling him out on the forums going to make things better?
Then there's this whole mental health thing... Are any of you MDs, psychiatrists, or psychologists? The downside of psychology, or upside if you're a certain eccentric professor I once had, is that it is a "science" with a huge grey area. It's so easy to look up general symptoms and match them up with your subjective viewpoints, but the symptoms are general so that professionals can use their trained, hopefully less biased judgements to properly diagnose patients. It's beyond absurd that biased strangers on the internet are trying to diagnose someone they only know from a competitive (for lack of a better word) mini-game inside of a video game. Please grow up.
You're adorable.Igotoparties said:Who. Is. Your. Twenty. Nine. For. The. Third. Time.
Igotoparties said:Who. Is. Your. Twenty. Nine. For. The. Third. Time.
Igotoparties said:Idk who that is.
Good work detective.Dorigon said:prty sure he is grizzlyaddam
HAH! I am Grizzlyaddam the Great, lowly noob. I get that you're jealous, but I am merciful. Swear fealty to me, your hunter general, and I will impart some of my knowledge of the bow on to you.rubikz said:this, basically
hes some nonfactor
Let's say he is going too far. (I don't personally know, but I'll assume he is just to speed this up.) How is calling him out on the forums going to make things better?
Then there's this whole mental health thing... Are any of you MDs, psychiatrists, or psychologists? The downside of psychology, or upside if you're a certain eccentric professor I once had, is that it is a "science" with a huge grey area. It's so easy to look up general symptoms and match them up with your subjective viewpoints, but the symptoms are general so that professionals can use their trained, hopefully less biased judgements to properly diagnose patients. It's beyond absurd that biased strangers on the internet are trying to diagnose someone they only know from a competitive (for lack of a better word) mini-game inside of a video game. Please grow up.
A dummy? No. I prefer to think of them as noble servants. They sacrifice themselves for the greater good so that their lord and general can end the battle with precise volleys of arrows. Furthermore, your inattention to my admirable sense of fashion offends me, but I will pardon your rashness this one time. I wear standard issue prison shoes. SHOES, my boy, not boots. I enhance my sophisticated form with the garb of a common prisoner as a symbol of discontent with the current politics besetting our customs of battle because, in a sense, we hunters are prisoners, shackled to prevent our reaching of the culmination of our potential and barred from aiding our comrades with precise shots aimed from bows capable of spitting nails. At long last, I will heed the call of all young hunters such as your comrade, Rubrix, who look to me and my revolutionary shoes to emancipate all of our kind.Dorigon said:grizzlyaddam uses a gun dummy
u arent fit to lick his boots
Wouldn't it be more mature to just let it go instead of calling him out on it? You can't be the bigger person and still fight with him every time he makes a comment about you.Willyshatner said:I would love to be the bigger person, and just move on from this childish prattling. However, as soon as I do, Dont will inevitably say something about me on the forums, in vent, or in game, drudging it all up again. That's the nature of his personality, and the only way I can deal with it is to constantly call attention to it, hoping he sees a reason to stop acting like that.
Wouldn't it be more mature to just let it go instead of calling him out on it? You can't be the bigger person and still fight with him every time he makes a comment about you.