WoW 20th Anniversary Event Update!

Raid is level 30+ for LFR and Max level for Normal and Heroic so we won't be able to run that
But I assume you can use the XPOff Disc / Twinkcraft Disc / Wow20 for Timewalking groups
Maybe also the Timewalking Discord, even tho they are not happy about this change they may find a way to still be OP in them
Hmm. I might level one of my old 70/27s to 30. 30 sounds fun. Ty man
So what can a lvl20 do to get Bronze Celebration Tokens? (And how many can they get per week?)

Thank you.
reqs sub now
- Korrak AV (i tried with F2P)
- pet battle quest at event

chromie codex quest, unsure on this one being available, been in que for scenario over 30 min no pop

bosses in Tanaris, without being able to use GF will make this tough, did get a tag on doomwalker, got no loot, did get like 10% on progression bar for celebrate good fun quest. got no credit trying the mount off event
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anyone know if its possible to have a dragthyr of a different class do the beginning quests for the race? i wanted to get to lvl 20 then kill the rares for the neck and ring on a warrior
37 minutes in que for TW event dungeon, finally got into diremaul, after we killed the third boss dog, tank said looks like we are done and left, followed by three others. i tried the last boss, ooze trink not doing it's thing and i died. knowing blizzards failed ability to fill dungeons in this manner with last bossing remaining, i waited 5 minutes for hope, then bailed. 42 minutes wasted. seems like there is a lack of interest for a 20th annv. usually the first days of these type events players are in the bing bing wahoo mode

we aren't scaled to take on world bosses like back in legion, i was at sha of fear, a dozen players level 13 to 37, everyone got wiped including the 5 level 80s

other than the TW dungeons, i do not see this as a alt leveling event the streamers were touting. maybe its a case of what was on PTR is not what we got live?
37 minutes in que for TW event dungeon, finally got into diremaul, after we killed the third boss dog, tank said looks like we are done and left, followed by three others. i tried the last boss, ooze trink not doing it's thing and i died. knowing blizzards failed ability to fill dungeons in this manner with last bossing remaining, i waited 5 minutes for hope, then bailed. 42 minutes wasted. seems like there is a lack of interest for a 20th annv. usually the first days of these type events players are in the bing bing wahoo mode

we aren't scaled to take on world bosses like back in legion, i was at sha of fear, a dozen players level 13 to 37, everyone got wiped including the 5 level 80s

other than the TW dungeons, i do not see this as a alt leveling event the streamers were touting. maybe its a case of what was on PTR is not what we got live?
I recently had a similar experience in Dire Maul. I'm getting the sense a LOT of these players don't know these old dungeons.
Oh, and I gave up on the world bosses. No scaling, low amount of players attempting, and no drops in the first few kills.
there is a list of boss objectives when we go into a dung/raid, you get a completion notice and a larger amount of TW currency at the last boss on the list even if you skipped some middle bosses.

korrak AV, i switched to a vet acct, 20 with xp off was not able to que, i turned xp on and now able to que. will have to check F2P account with a player who has xp on
Ran a couple of TW dungeons and had 0 socket or stat procs.

Ooze doesn't work but the Windmill still destroys.
Ran a couple of TW dungeons and had 0 socket or stat procs.

Ooze doesn't work but the Windmill still destroys.
Yea I wonder what the math will be like that the smart people are doing right now when it comes to ilvl 96 gear. I rolled a warrior for this event and it looks like there's some phat time walking weapons and trinkets that could change everything. I just dont know how this gear will compare to sockets, but trinks and weaps are huge
Can confirm Korrak works for pure F2P.
Scaling is alot better than before, you can somehow pvp. Atleast buffed.
Chromie Codex requires TWW for dungeon teleport
not sure if this was mentioned, the bronze tokens are earned once per account each day, so one player per day.
AT first when I saw the vendor gear costs I was like OOOOOOHHHHH

Then I saw all the dungeon drop options..... Fuck. SO. MUCH. FOMO. I'm gonna have to limit myself to a few characters for this one....

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