Why we hate 24's..

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I don't think you see the irony behind getting angry when people disliked cata hunters and you disliking 24s.
I guess me playing a cata hunt is so much different then the other 50% of this bracket playing a MoP healer
Who said it was different?
or hell even the 25% of this bracket that played a cata healer
I don't think you see the irony behind getting angry when people disliked cata hunters and you disliking 24s.
Who said it was different?

I understand why people hated cata hunts and I know for a fact that I'm not the only person who hates 24s for the reason I listed.. My thing is it's clearly past cata and things have clearly changed in this bracket so what's up with the knocks on being a "cata hunt" still? Why can't I be known for being a MoP hunt? Why aren't MoP healers being bashed for being a "MoP healer"?

I just want the hatred to flow evenly cause I already caused enough of it in the last xpac :( I think healers should get their turn now, they do deserve it
what are a resource leech on wow bgs servers is f2p.]
You're playing this game for free, END OF DEBATE. if you wana do something about it, sub and ROLL 24s. otherwise stfu moaning/complaining about a subject/situation you can do nothing about unless you can spend cash.
or get a group going and get them all on skype then coordinate your 5-10 pugmade and roflstomple 24 5 mans.
1)ahh no, i wont forget you're a face rolling cata hunter. and getting so defensive about it tells me you won't either...

2)not that beating a hunter with a priest would be hard but i promise you, you wont impress me. and i've read your guide and the way you talk about hunter, you're clueless

infact, login and ill beat you with my ungeared toon, thats how much i think of you and your BS posts

stay small :)

1) who gives a shit lill wouldve still pwend ass if hunters werent op. When a bad plays op its just cheap, when a pro does it its awesome.

2)you must be hella pro to not be impressed you must have been glad when you played sub(if you ever had a sub before)

@lill kick his ass you can beat his healer or whatever he is using. Make a anti healer 1 shot swifty macro. Dont forget to /spit
Lil they hating because in cata you stood out even tho all hunters were op and now they are mad cause all the unskilled people changed to priest and you are probably still, out doing them haha I sence jealousy. Going with the thread I hated 24s too until I made one :p
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Huh what? Nothing I said was offensive lol
I mean I'm usually straight forward with that type of stuff.

Btw lil um I've never said you stood out? Wow my bad.
Lofi too
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I indeed hate 24's but the alliance ones, almost everyone think they are a kind of superhero and try to do everything, even premade ally 24 sucks awfully, i rather have f2p's on the team at least i know what to expect about them, excepting very few cases some players try to play teamwork, the general rule is they suck and in top of that are rude at f2p's for not being 24..... i check charts everytime after the bg is done and most of cases ally 24's lack both dps or healing
Btw lil um I've never said you stood out? Wow my bad.
Lofi too

Lil they hating because in cata you stood out even tho all hunters were op
Don't make me give that like back to sally! I'll do it :O don't tempt me.

Lofi stands out for whatever class he plays, doesnt need to be a hunt. He stands out for being most awesomest AP Ally!

So does insects, rhae, mindy, deadly, earl, and all the others who I can moderately stand
Eh not earl ill give u the rest, tho hahaha but keep going with ur thread. Earl has never been by himself and given me a problem now you.... I find it fascinating how u used to be able to escape gy. And how you always cced me and switched targets so skillfully. Keep it up.
My real problem with 24s is the hitcap it requires just too touch them, other than that I
would be completely fine because 90% of them are complete shit. Also, you have to remember that some F2P players are P2P, they just limit themselves because, playing a 24 is too easy. The only people that would play on a 24 imo, are the same high level players ganking outside of major cities.
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Lillhunter;581068[QUOTE said:
]I could care less what you think about my playstyle or that you can beat me on an undergeared priest (you talk to me about facerolling in cata as a hunt yet you reroll a priest knowing how healing is atm... ok)

i've played hunter since tbc, and priest since wrath so yeah, im a OP roller...

my 19 Sainttwink @ Aszune - Community - World of Warcraft

Since I'm clueless and such a bad huntard please enlighten me so I can finally play to your expectations of proness <3

im not reading that garbage again, but being MM and not having a single point of expertise screams "omg look at my dmg, ir great". i dont expect you to be pro (im 100% not), but crying about 24s when a few months ago your chosen class was insanely OP is so hypocritical it actually makes me smile irl.

seems you just wont to rid your self as being that cata noob tbh.

i hate to repeat my self, but, "he who pays the piper calls the tune". thats life, not just wow.
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