Why we hate 24's..

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i think bg's for f2p would be more fun if we werent in the xp off bracket and in the leveling bracket. get some level diversity and more player diversity
What plagues f2p WoW is the same thing that plagues most f2p games. PvP has a pay-to-win option.
What plagues f2p WoW is the same thing that plagues most f2p games. PvP has a pay-to-win option.

what are a resource leech on wow bgs servers is f2p.]
You're playing this game for free, END OF DEBATE. if you wana do something about it, sub and ROLL 24s. otherwise stfu moaning/complaining about a subject/situation you can do nothing about unless you can spend cash.
I played 24 for a short time once in awhile but recently started playing F2P and sure 24s can be a handful but rarly more than 2 each time.
What plagues f2p WoW is the same thing that plagues most f2p games. PvP has a pay-to-win option.

not the good f2p games, like hamcake's server and LoL

but I agree, pay-to-win is always a plague, like in Combat Arms
I seriously thank you and others for following my posts so intently and replying with "yu plaid a cata huntard. uz r bad" everytime it seems.

I played a cata hunt and got shit for it. So now that it's MoP can you and everyone else please STFU? I got enough in cata and I know I'm easy prey since I voice my opinion so much but it gets really old when you bring something up everytime from almost 4+ months ago...

Me playing a lv 20 cata hunt has nothing to do with my post. I put bad hunters in their place and kept healers on their toes. Most dps were easy to kill but there was no good F2P dps (besides warrior) that a backpeddling huntards should be able to beat if the other class is any good. I'm sorry you must have been been beat by bad hunt after bad hunt in cata but I wish you luck with your priest reroll and hopefully with how much you've voiced your opinion about me I can see if you have anything to back it up.

ahh no, i wont forget you're a face rolling cata hunter. and getting so defensive about it tells me you won't either...

what i was saying was, you played a hunter because you wanted to, no matter what ppl thought you carried on with it. so you crying about 24s will have the same effect as it did on you.

not that beating a hunter with a priest would be hard but i promise you, you wont impress me. and i've read your guide and the way you talk about hunter, you're clueless

infact, login and ill beat you with my ungeared toon, thats how much i think of you and your BS posts

stay small :)
what are a resource leech on wow bgs servers is f2p.]
You're playing this game for free, END OF DEBATE. if you wana do something about it, sub and ROLL 24s. otherwise stfu moaning/complaining about a subject/situation you can do nothing about unless you can spend cash.

It seems I have touched a nerve. I wasn't trying to call anybody out. What I was getting at is that with a great many of f2p games out there, in order to stay in business, the developers resort to selling items as micro-transactions that the players that choose not to pay do not have access to. People will only buy so many funny hats or vanity pets, so the developers add overpowered items, classes, and such in order to bring in much needed revenue, which is understandable — developers need to stay in business.

The problem with this situation is that it imbalances PvP and creates a situation in which you can pay to win, in essence. Consequently, the game fails as a true f2p, but remains finically viable, for a time. Unfortunately, in many cases, the f2p players figure out what going on, ragequit, the player base declines, and the only people left are the few paying customers. Eventually even they quit too when they figure out they are king of a vacuum.

WoW does not necessarily fit this model, as it never was meant to be a f2p game, but I believe a parallel exists between the PvP of actual f2p games (financed by microtransactions) and the situation Blizzard has created with allowing paying customers to PvP with the limited, extended trials.

I suppose the point I want to highlight is: take advantage of the de facto pay-to-win option at your own risk. Eventually if enough people do it, the trials will figure out that they aren't viable, stop logging it, and the bracket will implode — leaving you standing around for hours, waiting for battlegrounds to pop — in your funny hat.

As far as f2p being a "leech" on the datacenters — I think that the money spent on the additional resources consumed by f2ps is money well spent. The vast number of trial account help to cover up the decline in active paying accounts. In terms of PR, it's a genius move. Nobody wants to subscribe to dying game. By inflating their numbers by including trial accounts, Blizzard can still put out press releases that maintain the appearance that their numbers aren't waning. "What are [sic] a resource leech on wow bgs servers is f2p]"? Certainly not f2pers.

p.s. I can spend cash, and do. But I choose to use most all of it on hookers and blow.
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p.s. I can spend cash, and do. But I choose to use most all of it on hookers and blow.

so you cant get a real gf and get high to forget that you cant.... :'(
and i've read your guide and the way you talk about hunter, you're clueless

I could care less what you think about my playstyle or that you can beat me on an undergeared priest (you talk to me about facerolling in cata as a hunt yet you reroll a priest knowing how healing is atm... ok) but please enlighten me on this? Me and big made that guide as a reference and speaking for myself I think it's a hell of a better guide then a couple other ones.. No offense to any of the other guides but it's clear who put more thought or work into it.

Since I'm clueless and such a bad huntard please enlighten me so I can finally play to your expectations of proness <3
It's perfectly possible to get people to spend big money on F2P games without resorting to pay-to-win. All it takes is some convenience items like XP boosts and other time saving things, and better fast travel items. The $100 I dropped on Firefall got me a bike, reusable glider pad, permanent +15% XP, extra slots for my battleframes (like equippable classes), so I don't have to scrap and repurchase them to use more than 3 different frames (because there are 5 classes, 2 tiers, and 2 variations in the 2nd tier), as well as a few things to customise the way my character looks (on top of the items that came with the $100 package). Judging by the numbers of bikes I've seen in game, there are plenty of other people happy to spend that much too.

I guess you could call it pay-to-win-faster, with an XP bonus and savings on how much time you need to spend farming/travelling, but everyone can get to the same point given time, and none of the purchasable things give you any bonus in PvP (other than the turkey hat being +5 to ego).
Which is also why people play 24s.

One day.... Maybe one day I will get rid of that cata hunt logo </3 It will probably take another xpac though as one just simply isn't enough! I guess me playing a cata hunt is so much different then the other 50% of this bracket playing a MoP healer or hell even the 25% of this bracket that played a cata healer... Why I get so much recognition for being one of the many cata hunts I will never know but....

Love me or hate me you won't forget me is all I gotta say :D
It's perfectly possible to get people to spend big money on F2P games without resorting to pay-to-win. All it takes is some convenience items like XP boosts and other time saving things, and better fast travel items. The $100 I dropped on Firefall got me a bike, reusable glider pad, permanent +15% XP, extra slots for my battleframes (like equippable classes), so I don't have to scrap and repurchase them to use more than 3 different frames (because there are 5 classes, 2 tiers, and 2 variations in the 2nd tier), as well as a few things to customise the way my character looks (on top of the items that came with the $100 package). Judging by the numbers of bikes I've seen in game, there are plenty of other people happy to spend that much too.

I guess you could call it pay-to-win-faster, with an XP bonus and savings on how much time you need to spend farming/travelling, but everyone can get to the same point given time, and none of the purchasable things give you any bonus in PvP (other than the turkey hat being +5 to ego).

It sounds like that game has got it right — at least from what you've said. As long as the items/bonuses don't provide an beneficial effect that cannot be achieved by the people that choose not to spend money, I don't see a problem. XP bonuses and such get you to the same point, just faster (as you said). But when it comes time to compete at max level, everyone has to opportunity to be equal.

The real problem arises when a game introduces gear, that is not merely cosmetic in nature, to their in-game store. Once a developer makes superior gear that can't be attained by any other means, besides purchasing it with real money, the game becomes pay-to-win, and is on it's way down the craphole.
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One day.... Maybe one day I will get rid of that cata hunt logo </3 It will probably take another xpac though as one just simply isn't enough! I guess me playing a cata hunt is so much different then the other 50% of this bracket playing a MoP healer or hell even the 25% of this bracket that played a cata healer... Why I get so much recognition for being one of the many cata hunts I will never know but....

Love me or hate me you won't forget me is all I gotta say :D

Be ensured that some people appreciate the work on yours and big's hunter guide (I rolled one and it was great help) and I won't call you out on being a "cata-hunter" (you are a MoP-hunter now, aight?) either - there are some people on your side as well, so keep up the good work :)
Be ensured that some people appreciate the work on yours and big's hunter guide (I rolled one and it was great help) and I won't call you out on being a "cata-hunter" (you are a MoP-hunter now, aight?) either - there are some people on your side as well, so keep up the good work :)

Thanks glad it was able to help.. That's all me and biggy wanted to do but maybe once the saint replies with what I'm clueless about I can quickly add it to the guide to make it more helpful! :rolleyes: I know I have friends and I know I have enemies but I saw someone elses sig quoting someone saying if you have enemies that means you stood for something so I decided to make my own version of it quoted by someone idk I'm sure
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