why people choose 24s over 20.

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Help guys! I got a 24 Orc BM Hunter to 24 with mostly BiS in about 2 days but now I've decided that I don't like him. I'm thinking about going either Prot Pally or Shadow Priest. For the Pally idk what race I would choose but probably Tauren and for SPriest an undead. But I cant choose what to do! I think I'm going to go Pally though just because I like Melee and and flag carrying. Plus I don't want to be a fotm person. Anyways are Prot Pallies good at FC? And should I farm JP for the BoA tanking sword or is there a better one I can get?

Please help. Sorry for bumping this thread, I just can't make my own yet

"Is a prot spec good at FC?"
lol "good players" HoJ and as = dead. good players ment to every CD to survive some douch skeying in mid.


Is you complaint that you die occasionally in PvP?
Good players use their CD's effectively, regardless of where combat takes place.
nope, just stating good players save CD's for O or D. I.e objective game play, this may be a new concept to you <3

Why you angry at me? Not really my fault I couldn't decipher the hidden message in that drivel you wrote.

All the same, let's get back on track here. Roll a 24 Spriest for funsies folks.
Also stay civil everyone. <3
Help guys! I got a 24 Orc BM Hunter to 24 with mostly BiS in about 2 days but now I've decided that I don't like him. I'm thinking about going either Prot Pally or Shadow Priest. For the Pally idk what race I would choose but probably Tauren and for SPriest an undead. But I cant choose what to do! I think I'm going to go Pally though just because I like Melee and and flag carrying. Plus I don't want to be a fotm person. Anyways are Prot Pallies good at FC? And should I farm JP for the BoA tanking sword or is there a better one I can get?

Please help. Sorry for bumping this thread, I just can't make my own yet

Spriest + protpala are the 2 FotM specs in 20-24 atm (with druid supposedly being the third), if you want any challenge and not get spat on in every bg, dont roll spriest or protpala.

I really don't give a fuck if there's a few more protpalas or bad spriests running around in wsg, but as you said you didn't want to be a FotM roller... Just trying to help you ;)
srry 2 inform u but good players don't play this shitstain embarrassment of a bracket

: )

he's right, they sit in 3hour queues telling each other how great they WAS
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