why people choose 24s over 20.

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srry 2 inform u but good players don't play this shitstain embarrassment of a bracket

: )
hmm relatively this bracket does have good players. Proportional-ize man.
Spriest + protpala are the 2 FotM specs in 20-24 atm (with druid supposedly being the third), if you want any challenge and not get spat on in every bg, dont roll spriest or protpala.

I really don't give a fuck if there's a few more protpalas or bad spriests running around in wsg, but as you said you didn't want to be a FotM roller... Just trying to help you ;)

What about ret pally? Are they any good? I would just have to farm the JP for the BoA Axe and I could go it.
I'm an f2p and I'm okay with 24's as long as they know they have a huge advantage and don't think too highly of themselves when they beat 20's.

And as long as they know that even if they're skilled it really goes unappreciated because of that advantage.

And as long as they feel terrible aching shame when I defeat them.

You can complain about 24s and tell them to reroll 20s, or you can farm swiftness potions, learn some tunnel/roof jumps (and glitch spots *wink*) and play smarter than the 24s.

But as an f2p you'll never see a glorious comeback defeat against a bunch of Goliaths (24s) unless you're willing to sling some stones (instead of afking and coming to the forums to complain).
The reason chose 24 over 20 is this:

I pay for the game and as far as i'm concerned that gives me a right to the advantage!

Nah I'm joking. Although it sorta does, thats not the reason. The reason is that I have a level 90 main, which i love to play! Buuuuut i also love getting high... For me playing my 24 is all about having fun. Its not serious, its where i can go and play fast passed SIMPLE PvP.

Of course i like to win, but i'm not bothered if i lose. ITS ONLY A GAME.

I have massive respect for f2p 20s, everyone knows (although most 24s wont admit it) you gotta be better and play smarter as a 20. But i have a main for playing smart.

I would rather BE camped than camp. GY camping is boring, i don't wanna stand in 1 spot for 20 mins while fewer and fewer people spawn. I would rather have you try and camp me. Notice i say TRY ;)

ANYWAY. That my 2 cents.
For anyone interested this is me: Maddíe @ Outland - Community - World of Warcraft

I'm showing shadow right now, but I mix it up between that and disc depending on how I'm feeling. I'm not "BiS" and i dont know if ill ever get AGMs but whatever.
Keep an eye out for me and feel free to message me in game if you wanna que or do some wargames :) (Im playing quite a lot on her right now)
The reason chose 24 over 20 is this:

I pay for the game and as far as i'm concerned that gives me a right to the advantage!

Nah I'm joking. Although it sorta does, thats not the reason. The reason is that I have a level 90 main, which i love to play! Buuuuut i also love getting high... For me playing my 24 is all about having fun. Its not serious, its where i can go and play fast passed SIMPLE PvP.

Of course i like to win, but i'm not bothered if i lose. ITS ONLY A GAME.

I have massive respect for f2p 20s, everyone knows (although most 24s wont admit it) you gotta be better and play smarter as a 20. But i have a main for playing smart.

I would rather BE camped than camp. GY camping is boring, i don't wanna stand in 1 spot for 20 mins while fewer and fewer people spawn. I would rather have you try and camp me. Notice i say TRY ;)

ANYWAY. That my 2 cents.
For anyone interested this is me: Maddíe @ Outland - Community - World of Warcraft

I'm showing shadow right now, but I mix it up between that and disc depending on how I'm feeling. I'm not "BiS" and i dont know if ill ever get AGMs but whatever.
Keep an eye out for me and feel free to message me in game if you wanna que or do some wargames :) (Im playing quite a lot on her right now)

You are the worst kind. End up in a game against any one with a brain and you will get slapped silly. Let's hope you queue with a healer :D
And why am i the worst kind? Mr high and mighty.

What makes you JUMP to the conclusion that I am incompetent?
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And why am i the worst kind? Mr high and mighty.

What makes you JUMP to the conclusion that I am incompetent?

Hes just saying that u are Spriest"worst kind" cuz they are OP and most of them suck and are not objective.
Like hunter in cata, "i stay in mid cuz i can kill all=fun", Spriest are the hunters of cata.

We dont know how u play but its like cata hunters, u have that stereotype.

Roll Disc would be great cuz alliance often misses healers.
I get that there is a stigma with shadow priests, but that's no reason to be rude.
I have about 7 hours of play time on that toon, and have only completed 1 bg at 24 (which we won and i topped for both healing AND kills).

Look at my shoulders, that is an old enchant is it not? I've been twinking, on and off, on many different characters and servers for a long time. DO NOT tell me i will get "slapped silly" when you have nothing to back this up.

Also, im bored at work and love a good argument on forums :D
i'll tell you why you should go 24.

75% of the random puggers in this bracket don't have the foggiest on even basic game play. and when you try and advise them they rage worse than a ten year old. having to rely on the ppl round me in this bracket is bad for blood pressure and pc screens.
My 2 cents ;

I have read all of your posts ( basicly a never ending story ) but one thing that stands out is that almost all of you are right,or in other words the ''end of the day truth'' would probably be the sum of all your opinions.

Most of us would take the advantage if we'd have the oppportunity, the ones that wouldn't aren't better nor worse and neither do they have the right to judge the ones that go that way.

Ppl that choose to play 24's,they aren't bad ppl or players, some are fine,skilled,friendly,objectivly focused players with whom i have the pleasure playing with,but not because of their OP'ness but the way they play the game.In short it's the p2p's prerogative to take the advantage because they are paying for it,and the rest of us aren't.

Maybe it just comes down to the person behind the screen, i bet there are many of you that are QQ-ing but would also choose to go 24 if they could,an example ; there are ppl that spit on those who use the wall glitch but are nontheless using it themselves when the going gets tough.

We are all twinks, not just the 24's, so why wouldn't it be more important how you play the game then what lvl you are. I have so much experience in this bracket and have basicly seen it all, and i can say that the most important thing that decides the outcome is teamplay, not the lvl of your opponent.....sure sure,some of you will say : ''but wait,how can that be ?'' - anwser : ''wasn't refering to undergeared selfish players in your team that end up farmed on their gy regardless if their opponents are 24's or good f2p's.

Some of you proudly played hunters in cata, that are now the equvalent of 24's. This doesnt' make you bad, but what does make you bad is how you played your hunter just how you play your 24 now, Of course the p2p's that choose to stay at lvl 20 have my upmost respect because they have to work harder for it and push even more skill and focus, this is why i always say that 24's would be even better as 20's cause it's tougher.

A lot of f2p's would also QQ about p2p's who stay at lvl 20 about their perks (gear,ench,etc...),so it will never be fine,there will always be grudges.

Play your game, strive for teamwork, respect those who play with honor regardlesss of their class or lvl and disrespect those who act like wolfes amongst sheep cause they will play like this regardless of their class or lvl.

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My 2 cents ;

In short it's the p2p's prerogative to take the advantage because they are paying for it,and the rest of us aren't.

That's fine. I'm okay with 24s paying to have fun pwning a bunch of 20s for the fun of it (and deserving to have fun that way), as long as they realize that that's what they're paying for and that's ONLY what they're paying for. They're not paying for pride or a sense of accomplishment, they're just paying to pwn 20s for fun. And as long as they don't feel that they actually deserve it when they win against a team of 20s, or that their achievements in pvp combat can serve as any measure of skill on their part, even if they actually are skilled and play skillfully. It could be totally different if they were f2p 20s, who really knows?

A lot of f2p's would also QQ about p2p's who stay at lvl 20 about their perks (gear,ench,etc...),so it will never be fine,there will always be grudges.

Well the point of a p2p making a 20 is to also limit themselves to enchants/gear only obtainable by f2p 20s. A lot of people do that and I think its great. Especially p2p monks with f2p restrictions, would love to see more of them.
Thats the only sense your whole post made, then followed by the hate QQ and stereotyping, prejudice etc every 24 again.

No, it made sense.

Think about it and read Alpha's post again.

I read it, I just don't completely agree with it. Are you expecting me to accept his post as moral truth just because you and a couple others hit the like button on it?

24s, have your fun. You deserve the fun of additional spells, higher hit chance against 20s, higher chance of our spells/attacks missing you, etc etc. because you pay for the game. Come and pwn teh newbz. Just don't expect me (or most other f2ps) to compliment you on the good game that you had or to worship you as a savior when you're on my team. To us you're the bad guys, whether or not you intend to be. Use your teamwork, show your respect and dignity, play smart, and have your fun chasing 20s around the gy heal hut.

I dread having multiple 24s on my team because no matter how well I do, I know that I can't feel good about winning, and my own contribution to the game becomes almost worthless. It ruins the fun for me.

And what's the big deal about that? The big deal is that for f2p players level 20 twinking is the only option. p2p players have many other options, including the option to make an f2p-restricted level 20 character. Heck, there probably wouldn't even be enough players for you 24s to queue bgs if there weren't f2p 20s.

The point? Come pwn teh ebil f2p moochez. But in our eyes, that's all you'll ever be doing. Enjoy the gy/mid farming, the 4k hp FC's, and be happy that I can't cast Dominate Mind on you. Be very glad about that.
most 20-24s p2p on aggarmar only play objectively and have yet come across any competition ( 3 p2ps max) this is not a "gloating" post just want to point out not all p2ps are the same. we usually 3 cap in 7mins.
That's fine. I'm okay with 24s paying to have fun pwning a bunch of 20s for the fun of it (and deserving to have fun that way), as long as they realize that that's what they're paying for and that's ONLY what they're paying for. They're not paying for pride or a sense of accomplishment, they're just paying to pwn 20s for fun. And as long as they don't feel that they actually deserve it when they win against a team of 20s, or that their achievements in pvp combat can serve as any measure of skill on their part, even if they actually are skilled and play skillfully. It could be totally different if they were f2p 20s, who really knows?

Well the point of a p2p making a 20 is to also limit themselves to enchants/gear only obtainable by f2p 20s. A lot of people do that and I think its great. Especially p2p monks with f2p restrictions, would love to see more of them.

So true... the probelm is that 24s think they are helping or just dont care.

Agree, If it wasnt for F2P twinks there wouldnt be 20-24 bracket.
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izac, me and junoo have queued with f2ps on aggramar EU with our p2p 20s, go ask them if we farm. other than that mate i'm sick and tired of explaining my self to fp2s with attitude, believe or disbelieve, it's up 2 u!

edit: cripz you're a retard
izac, me and junoo have queued with f2ps on aggramar EU with our p2p 20s, go ask them if we farm. other than that mate i'm sick and tired of explaining my self to fp2s with attitude, believe or disbelieve, it's up 2 u!

edit: cripz you're a retard

Ask any f2p on aggramar even the"famous" ones

and check my games played/won and flag caps Junox @ Aggramar - Community - World of Warcraft
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