why people choose 24s over 20.

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Izac couldn't agree with you more.. I'd just stop tryin though. You made a valid point so don't bother arguing anymore until they make a valid counter which they haven't/won't.

@Juno0 I think Izac was mainly directing it towards 24s not P2P 20s. It's nice that you don't farm and you are objective based but I don't think it takes from his point any and if you re-read it I think you'll realize that.

inb4 Saint hate
most 20-24s p2p on aggarmar only play objectively and have yet come across any competition ( 3 p2ps max) this is not a "gloating" post just want to point out not all p2ps are the same. we usually 3 cap in 7mins.

izac, me and junoo have queued with f2ps on aggramar EU with our p2p 20s, go ask them if we farm

I believe you guys. I know not all 24s (or in your case 20s with p2p enchants, Juno) gy/mid farm. I believe that you guys are probably very smart, objective players. But even so it just seems like a lose-lose situation.

Even if you win against the best 10 man f2p 20s team of all time, there's still a huge asterisk* by that win. And if you lose to an f2p team, it's even worse for you.

Viceversa for f2ps, it's win-win. If we win, we feel awesome. If we lose, so what? We're the underdogs.

So I don't get why any p2p 20/24 would make their character other than for achieving godmode dominance over f2ps, because what does your smart objective play even amount to? Asterisks.
Izac couldn't agree with you more.. I'd just stop tryin though. You made a valid point so don't bother arguing anymore until they make a valid counter which they haven't/won't.

@Juno0 I think Izac was mainly directing it towards 24s not P2P 20s. It's nice that you don't farm and you are objective based but I don't think it takes from his point any and if you re-read it I think you'll realize that.

inb4 Saint hate

he hasn't made a valid point, and you never do tbh. all he's done as said the same thing thats been said a thousand times, yes if it wasn't for trials they would be no bracket, but if it wasn't free none of you'd have a bracket.

you get no hate from me lil, from now on imma just answer you with "cata hunt", its kinda my trump card.

pay the piper, call the tune. if not..... shhhhhhhhhh
I believe you guys. I know not all 24s (or in your case 20s with p2p enchants, Juno) gy/mid farm. I believe that you guys are probably very smart, objective players. But even so it just seems like a lose-lose situation.

Even if you win against the best 10 man f2p 20s team of all time, there's still a huge asterisk* by that win. And if you lose to an f2p team, it's even worse for you.

Viceversa for f2ps, it's win-win. If we win, we feel awesome. If we lose, so what? We're the underdogs.

So I don't get why any p2p 20/24 would make their character other than for achieving godmode dominance over f2ps, because what does your smart objective play even amount to? Asterisks.

agree with everything you said, finally a mature f2p to "debate" with.
So I don't get why any p2p 20/24 would make their character other than for achieving godmode dominance over f2ps, because what does your smart objective play even amount to? Asterisks.

its called fun :p. i play a 20 MW monk, my "godmode" enchants give me 22sp, 260hp, and i haven't done my proffs yet. and with that i get to play vs droves of druids, prot pallys, rogues, and 24s. sorry, i dont feel OP at all.
Izac couldn't agree with you more.. I'd just stop tryin though. You made a valid point so don't bother arguing anymore until they make a valid counter which they haven't/won't.

@Juno0 I think Izac was mainly directing it towards 24s not P2P 20s. It's nice that you don't farm and you are objective based but I don't think it takes from his point any and if you re-read it I think you'll realize that.

inb4 Saint hate

i understood his point, i was just "proving" to likes of cripz and co who unable to understand the concept that not all p2p camp.
i understood his point, i was just "proving" to likes of cripz and co who unable to understand the concept that not all p2p camp.

you forgot that cripz is probably the biggest camper in the bracket.
No, it made sense.

I read it, I just don't completely agree with it. Are you expecting me to accept his post as moral truth just because you and a couple others hit the like button on it?

24s, have your fun. You deserve the fun of additional spells, higher hit chance against 20s, higher chance of our spells/attacks missing you, etc etc. because you pay for the game. Come and pwn teh newbz. Just don't expect me (or most other f2ps) to compliment you on the good game that you had or to worship you as a savior when you're on my team. To us you're the bad guys, whether or not you intend to be. Use your teamwork, show your respect and dignity, play smart, and have your fun chasing 20s around the gy heal hut.

I dread having multiple 24s on my team because no matter how well I do, I know that I can't feel good about winning, and my own contribution to the game becomes almost worthless. It ruins the fun for me.

And what's the big deal about that? The big deal is that for f2p players level 20 twinking is the only option. p2p players have many other options, including the option to make an f2p-restricted level 20 character. Heck, there probably wouldn't even be enough players for you 24s to queue bgs if there weren't f2p 20s.

The point? Come pwn teh ebil f2p moochez. But in our eyes, that's all you'll ever be doing. Enjoy the gy/mid farming, the 4k hp FC's, and be happy that I can't cast Dominate Mind on you. Be very glad about that.
Like i said stereotyping prejudice and hate QQ without making sense. Its nothing more.
Well, I had my tooth pulled today and they've got me on this medication. Now all this drama on the forums...
I'm just asking a normal question. I want to know what i have done which makes you mad.

Is it that i have 2 agms on Aerie Peak or
is it that i have 2 lucky fishing hats on Aerie Peak or
Is it that we created that community for people like you or
Is it that i play free to play or
Is it that i play pay to play with free to play restrictions or
Is it that i play pay to play 24 or
Is it that i activate my pay to play account to boost free to play some nice titles or
Is it that I help free to play with creating their characters or
Is it that i help with grouping free to play players or
Is it that i can talk as level 1,2 and 24 in free to play chat or
Is it that i can look from all sides on this subject

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I'm just asking a normal question. I want to know what i have done which makes you mad.

Is it that i have 2 agms on Aerie Peak or
is it that i have 2 lucky fishing hats on Aerie Peak or
Is it that we created that community for people like you or
Is it that i play free to play or
Is it that i play pay to play with free to play restrictions or
Is it that i play pay to play 24 or
Is it that i activate my pay to play acount to boost free to play some nice titles or
Is it that I help free to play with creating their characters or
Is it that i help with grouping free to play players or
Is it that i can talk as level 1,2 and 24 in free to play chat or
Is it that i can look from all sides on this subject


its the avatar for me :p
I'm just asking a normal question. I want to know what i have done which makes you mad.

Is it that i have 2 agms on Aerie Peak or
is it that i have 2 lucky fishing hats on Aerie Peak or
Is it that we created that community for people like you or
Is it that i play free to play or
Is it that i play pay to play with free to play restrictions or
Is it that i play pay to play 24 or
Is it that i activate my pay to play acount to boost free to play some nice titles or
Is it that I help free to play with creating their characters or
Is it that i help with grouping free to play players or
Is it that i can look from all sides on this subject


First of all normal questions don't have 10 parts to them. I grew up in the school of hard knoxville. If you were serious before, now you're CLEARLY trolling. Two can play at that game, ive been trolling in my mother's womb before you were born.

First of all, don't even get starting on fishing skills. I have 3 LFH's and I've only participated in two fishing tourneys. That's right, I got two LFH's on two alts that I never play anymore in the same DAY. (Tebow and Littlepowpow LOOK THEM UP).

Second of all, to answer your question, YES.
First of all normal questions don't have 10 parts to them. I grew up in the school of hard knoxville. If you were serious before, now you're CLEARLY trolling. Two can play at that game, ive been trolling in my mother's womb before you were born.

First of all, don't even get starting on fishing skills. I have 3 LFH's and I've only participated in two fishing tourneys. That's right, I got two LFH's on two alts that I never play anymore in the same DAY. (Tebow and Littlepowpow LOOK THEM UP).

Second of all, to answer your question, YES.
I'm not trolling I see you writing that you are mad at me and I just want to know why.. so i started guessing cause you dodge the question.
aww, "cata hunter" mad again!
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