why people choose 24s over 20.

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Why 24 Spriest? u can only win with advantage above other players?

As you can see in my signature, I'm mainly a 19 player. I originally leveled the priest to 19 so I could play in that bracket, but another 19 friend of mine told me to skip it and come play 24s with him. So I leveled the priest to 24 as it didn't have a full 19 gear set at that time, and I didn't want to ruin any of the work I had put in on my other 19s. I had no idea that shadow priests were as powerful as they are in 24s until I started playing it, I didn't roll it because of that reason.
As you can see in my signature, I'm mainly a 19 player. I originally leveled the priest to 19 so I could play in that bracket, but another 19 friend of mine told me to skip it and come play 24s with him. So I leveled the priest to 24 as it didn't have a full 19 gear set at that time, and I didn't want to ruin any of the work I had put in on my other 19s. I had no idea that shadow priests were as powerful as they are in 24s until I started playing it, I didn't roll it because of that reason.

If you respond to anything he says, you have already lost.
Why 24 Spriest? u can only win with advantage above other players?

I play 24s because eventually that's what will populate the bracket and it's a waste of time to roll a F2P twink in that kind of environment. F2P could be the most fun and interesting twink to make, if they weren't being put into a bracket with players that pay to play. Also, I'd rather play with/against Gliiese any day of the week because he actually cares about the quality of games.
I think that Cripz doesn't think ... stop feeding him with your replies ...
I play 24s because eventually that's what will populate the bracket and it's a waste of time to roll a F2P twink in that kind of environment. F2P could be the most fun and interesting twink to make, if they weren't being put into a bracket with players that pay to play. Also, I'd rather play with/against Gliiese any day of the week because he actually cares about the quality of games.

Rolling a 24 spriest and caring about quality of games is like fucking for abortion, don't you see the flaw in your argument?

If you gave 2 shits about this bracket you would delete your cancerous spriest and reroll something which benefits more players in the bg than just yourself.

or at least make a 20 just to prove you aren't totally incompetent ;-)
Rolling a 24 spriest and caring about quality of games is like fucking for abortion, don't you see the flaw in your argument?

Stop thinking that the reasons people say are truly why they play a 24.. I think everyone knows why someone plays a spriest regardless of what they say lol. Some people find fun in going 30-0 bg after bg while making everyone else not have fun. Let them have their fun cause it ain't gonna change
Rolling a 24 spriest and caring about quality of games is like fucking for abortion, don't you see the flaw in your argument?

If you gave 2 shits about this bracket you would delete your cancerous spriest and reroll something which benefits more players in the bg than just yourself.

or at least make a 20 just to prove you aren't totally incompetent ;-)

u should just give up on those 24... its useless... they wont change their mind.
The only thing u will get is insults.
Rolling a 24 spriest and caring about quality of games is like fucking for abortion, don't you see the flaw in your argument?

If you gave 2 shits about this bracket you would delete your cancerous spriest and reroll something which benefits more players in the bg than just yourself.

or at least make a 20 just to prove you aren't totally incompetent ;-)

Stop thinking that the reasons people say are truly why they play a 24.. I think everyone knows why someone plays a spriest regardless of what they say lol. Some people find fun in going 30-0 bg after bg while making everyone else not have fun. Let them have their fun cause it ain't gonna change

both of you played the most OP class you could find the whole of cata. cant you see how hypercritical you're being?

inb4 i dont play a 24 spriest, the only 24 i have left is a Fmage
u should just give up on those 24... its useless... they wont change their mind.
The only thing u will get is insults.

read post #59, that goes for you as well
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